Censorship -- by Malachite
S U Sucks! -- A parody of the Sonic Underground title theme. Written by Ian (assisted by Big Robotnik).
Ken Got Run Over by a Reindeer: This post is a song parody. Yes, it was posted at Ken's--and, yes, he was a good sport about it. Edited version, courtesy of SonicBoom13.
Knuxie-pie: A parody of "American Pie". This fan has a creative way of dealing with the cancellation of Knux's comic.
A Barrel of Archies: Mager's funny fic about the staff at Archie Comics.
Modern Model of a Cyberpunk: An amusing song parody from WB.
Eggman Clause (?!?):Uh, holiday song parodies seem to have become a tradition over at Ken's. This one was posted by T2.
Drazen's Parody: Dan Drazen posted this at
Ken's a few days before he finished his review for Sonic #100. "American
Pie" seems to be popular with the parody crowd ;D
Sonic Adventure 2 Reviewed: Self-explanatory.
Sonic Adventure 2, demo:The Guy With the
Hat gave us his 2 cents' worth on the demo version for Sonic Adventure
Sonic Shuffle, Reviewed:The Guy With the
Hat critiqued that game.
StH #104, Reviewed: Dr. Big Robotnik gave
us the dirt on #104. The other regulars tossed in their $0.02 worth.
StH #103, line-up: Mike On-Line explains
the character match-ups in this gig.
StH #103, Reviewed: The usual suspects
comment about Sonic the Hedgehog #103.
StH #102, Art Critique: Many of the regulars
make much a-boo about something ;D
StH #102, Reviewed: Self-explanitory.
StH #101, Reviewed: Contains -many- SPOILERS!
(You were warned.)
StH #99, Reviewed: to quote Lady Laguna,
"Has Karl EVER cleared up anything?"
StH #98, Reviewed: Looks like the staff
did -something- right... ;D
StH #96, In Flames: The campers at Rexy's
were very unhappy...
StH #96, Reviewed: Once again, the regulars
at Ken's share their opinions.
StH #93: comments about the Knux story,
StH #91, Reviewed: The usual suspects at
Ken's posted what they thought of this issue.
WB's Review of StH #90: Plenty of cliff-booting
for everybody! ;D
Mistakes in STH #89: There were lots of
oopsies in this one! :O
StH #88, Reviewed: The regulars at Ken's
comment about this issue of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog.
SSS #15 Reviewed: The campers at Ken's weren't
very happy...
SSS#14, Reveiwed: The general verdict is
that "Best of Times, Worst of Times" rocked (big time!) and "Law of the
Land" didn't impress people.
Sonic Super Special #13, Reviewed: Here's
what some of the regulars at Ken's said about that issue.
Ian Flynn's 2015 Q&A session: Very interesting replies to various questions, and not -all- of 'em pertain to the comics he's currently writing for Archie.
Gone...but NOT Forgotten: Sonique broke the bad news about Ben Hurst's passing.
The Dirt on SatAM DVD's: Sonicmax & Sonique got to the bottom of the reason why more SatAM Sonic DVD's weren't released...
Ian's Answers: And the big question he addressed was "How could the current continuity be fixed?"
Ian--on Roboticization: Self-explanitory.
Questions for Chordsy: You have questions? We have Chordsy :) ...and she has answers.
Karl Bollers mini-FAQ: You have questions? Karl tried to explain a few things here...
What happened to Kragok? Inquiring fans wanna know that after reading StH# 101. Ken doesn't shed much light on the subject,tho'.
Sonic the Hedgehog #100, preview: Contains SPOILERS!
WB Rants Again: Could Geoffrey possibly be the "Ultimate Villain" we keep hearing about???
What's in a Name?: This discussion about
character names popped up at the Mobius Forum.
Robotnik's Name: Czech fan "shadowhedgehogcz" had something interesting to add.
Slicer's Top 10 List: 10 things Slicer would do to "fix" the comics. Rebuttal & comments follow.
Ode to the Guardian: A poem 'bout Knux, penned by Emerald ("Emmy")Echidna.
State of the Comics Address: Something interesting showed up in the drop box...
James Fry Explains Mina:,but some of the Forumers don't buy it.
ABC Executives Stink!: Tell me something I don't know, Sonique ;p
The Dangers of Drugs: Sarah-Le describes how she almost lost her brother. (Yeah, I know this is off-topic--but if you think drug abuse is no big deal,read this!)
Sonic Forever!: Self explanatory.
Blunderhawk: Thunderhawk made a biiig mistake over in The Cavern...
Echidnas & Marriage: Uh, I have no way to describe this thread, 'cept it concerns Julie-Su's maritial status while Lara-Su is being born.
Knuckles, 20 Years Later: This Super Special might not see print :(
The Guardian's Daughter: The latest dirt on Lara-Su.
Copyrights: Ken asked for our opinions on this subject...and he got 'em ;)
Continuity Wars: Dan Drazen's "2 cent's worth" on the different Sonicverses. Comments follow.
The StH/StC Debate: Disagreements broke out over at True Red's old messageboard while fans defended their comics.
Fred the Punk Skeleton Vs. Locke: The Brotherhood is waaaay outta character in this round robin (on ROBOJIF's Cavern MB) but it's so funny, nobody cares! Er, almost nobody...;)
New Writer?: News about Danny Fingeroth writing some issues of Sonic the Hedgehog causes speculations to fly at Ken's.
Ghetto Freedom Fighters??: Posters at Ken's detected some 'Ghettospeak' in certain issues of StH. One poster in particular made a hilarious reply.
Sonic Adventure Profiles: Chainspike (Lien) shared this info. at Ken's, for the benefit of those of us (me, for instance) who don't have a Dreamcast & SA..
Spaz's Art: This topic popped up over at Ken's.
Bunnie & the Energizer Bunny: Somebody had a few comments about a certain pic of mine.
Sonic Cartoons: Is it even -fair- to compare AoStH, SatAM, and SU to each other? Kinda like comparing apples, oranges, and bananas to me...
Sonic #100: Self-explanatory.
Chaos Emerald Theories: Just what are they & how do they work? The regulars at Ken's take a few shots at answering this.
Bunnie's Bod: The infamous question(s) concerning her bodily functions has come up once again...on -2- 'boards (!!!). WARNING! This discussion got -very- disgusting! (Also contains mild profanity.)
Return of SatAM Sonic???: There was a rumor floating around that Ben Hurst was going to try to get SatAM Sonic back into production. The rumor was -TRUE-! Read the details in these posts from Mobius Forum.
The Janelle-Le Files: Lots of speculation about Janelle-Le (Athiar's mom) & why she didn't live as long as the other Guardians.
Weird Food Fight -- Er, stranger things -have- happened over at TSIC.
Knuckles' Chaotic Powers -- KtE #32 sorta instigated this discussion over at Ken's.
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly -- These rants (which were posted on the CDRR Off-Topic 'Board) range from negative opinions of Sonic Underground to the fate of the House of Acorn.
Bad News for Sonic Underground -- More talk about the show (posted on Ken's Messageboard).
Much Ado About SSS#11: Sonic Super
Special #11 touched off a -lot- of discussion...
SSS#11 Poll: Results of a poll (which was
at The Sonic Foundation) touch off Round 2 of our SSS#11 discussions.
Random Rants about Bunnie -- JCN's observations started this (on Ken's 'board)..
Sonic & Sally: The most volatile topic in all of Sonic fandom is bravely tackled over at Ken's. Bring your own fire-proof suit ;O
Ken Penders Explains...