This day can't get any worse...... Posted by Sarah-Le on August 26, 2000 at 14:45:51: To start off, it is 1pm as I type this, I just got out of the shower, I haven't gone to bed yet, and honestly. I can't. Let me start from the beginning. About 6:30 am this morning, while I was about to go to bed, we recieved a phone call. My dad was confused as to why someone would call so early. The person on the other end had called to say my brother was in the emergency room, my dad and I both said it was impossible, Jon was here, at home, in his bed. We looked, we wasn't there, he had snuck out in the night, through his window. At that time, all I knew was he was in for drug abuse, it was thought to have been acid. Well, being worried, I opted to go with my parents. While all I had to do was put shoes on, my parents had to get dressed. While they did that I was told to remove the phone from my bother's room, he had lost the privilege of having it. It wasn't until about 7am we left, my sis stayed home. Well, when we got to the hospitial, I wasn't even allowed to go in and see my brother, my parents went in while I sat in the waiting room watching pokemon and other saturady morning cartoons. At 9am my dad came out and took me to get breakfast. It was then I learned a little more on my brother's condition. He had a seziure, caused by the drugs. Since everyone else at the party was high, they didn't understand what was happening to my brother, so thinking he needed to cool off, they draged the hose into the apartment, where they procceded to use it, soaking everything and every one. When the police arrived my brother was found laying on his stomach with another person sitting on him, he wasn't wearing a shirt, his shoes were missing, he had rug burns on his back and scratches from nails on his sides. It was all guys there by the way. Well, one person was found in the closet, hiding under clothing, he was the most lucid and able to tell the officers a little of what had been going on. One of the others guys my bro was with went ballistic when the police had him in custody, he busted the glass of the back window in the officer's car and tried to get away, it took several officers to restrain him before he was sent to intensive care at Brackenridge in Austin (The best hospitial in the area). My brother wasn't doing so good. He was soaked and what clothing he did have was cut off, he lost a pair of $50 jeans during this whole thing. After breakfast we went back to the hospital for about another hour or so. Then, dad took me home to help collect new clothing for Jon. While in his room we found his cell phone to be missing, he had taken it with him and it wasn't at the hospital. I got the clothing, gave my sister a quick run down of what happened before going back to the hospital. At this time, my lack of sleep was really showing, I kept getting strange looks form other people in the emergency waiting room, they must have thought I was on something, and I looked like it. It didn't help any that police were constantly swarming the place, somehow I felt it didn't do me any good. There I sat for three more hours, waiting and trying to sleep in the tiny uncomfortable chairs while kids ran screaming around me. Eventually my dad came out, said we were taking him home. Once outside he told me what they did find in my bro's system. LSD and marajuana. Jon barely knew who he was or where he was, he was forced to drink black charcoal in order to help clear his system and cried once he began to realize just how much trouble he was in. He now has a criminal record, we are expecting an officer to visit and talk to him soon. The party he was at did have an adult, and that adult is resposible for giving the minors drugs. Not only will he be prosecuted for it, but he will lose custody of his childern, seeing as how they were involved in it as well. It doesn't end there. On the way home, near the hospital we ran into another problem. My dad was moving a little too fast, the light had gone red and he slamed his breaks on, the lady behind us wasn't so quick, she slammed into us. I felt it, in my tail bone. I had broken that before, so needless to say, it didn't feel too good. The lady got out of her surburan and started screaming that my dad cut her off. I didn't want to hear my parents and the lady argue, so once they pulled over I grabed my sketchbook, which I never used at the hospital, and announced I would walk home, they could find me along the way if I wasn't fast enough. I was four miles from home, by this time it was almost noon. The Texas heat was horrible, over 100. The hot pavement and rocks didn't help me any. I didn't get very far before a stranger pulled over and asked me for a ride, I said no, that I could make it on my own. So, I walked. Up many inclines and rocks, the dry grasses crunching where the rocks were thin. I was getting extremly hot, I was thirsty and had nothing with me, to top it off I was having trouble breathing, my breaths were shallow and they hurt. Just when I thought I was going to pass out I heard someone calling my name, I looked up to see one of my friends, she offered me a ride home, though by then it was less than a mile away. I went from ODed brother to road rage father then to teenage mother. I told her what had happened and she didn't belive my 15 year old brother could be like that, he seemed so innocent to her. I knew that he wasn't, I just didn't say anything til now... though I wish I had of. I got home before my parents, told my sis again the day's events then drank a gallon of water before bathing. And, it comes to this point again, telling my story. One more thing, I don't think people hear this enough, please, stay away from drungs. No matter how little you use or if you only did it once, it stays with you, a little goes a long way, it adds up, building upon the foundation that was laid before. It's not just you that feels the effect, but everyone around you. It stays with you, haunts you. I didn't lose my brother, but I very well could have. Don't put your family in this position, if a friend is doing it, please, get them help. The most horrifying things are the unexpected. ------ OMG, Sarah.... Posted by Crazy *hugs from afar* I'm so sorry. --- Re: This day can't get any worse...... Posted by Caramoo :About 6:30 am this morning, while I was about to go to bed, we recieved a phone call. My dad was confused as to why someone would call so early. The person on the other end had called to say my brother was in the emergency room, my dad and I both said it was impossible, Jon was here, at home, in his bed. We looked, we wasn't there, he had snuck out in the night, through his window. At that time, all I knew was he was in for drug abuse The same thing happened to my 2ed uncle. We had him committed & threatened to disown him if he ever did it again, & next time we committ him, it might not be at just any health facility. :When the police arrived my brother was found laying on his stomach with another person sitting on him, he wasn't wearing a shirt, his shoes were missing, he had rug burns on his back and scratches from nails on his sides. It was all guys there by the way. Drugd & the male gathering bit huh? Under the influence of drugs even the straightest of men can stray. : It doesn't end there. On the way home, near the hospital we ran into another problem. My dad was moving a little too fast, the light had gone red and he slamed his breaks on, the lady behind us wasn't so quick, she slammed into us. I felt it, in my tail bone. I had broken that before, so needless to say, it didn't feel too good. The lady got out of her surburan and started screaming that my dad cut her off. Yeah, my oldest brother almost got sued for doing the same thing. :I was four miles from home, by this time it was almost noon. The Texas heat was horrible, over 100. The hot pavement and rocks didn't help me any. I didn't get very far before a stranger pulled over and asked me for a ride, I said no, that I could make it on my own. So, I walked. Up many inclines and rocks, the dry grasses crunching where the rocks were thin. I was getting extremly hot, I was thirsty and had nothing with me, to top it off I was having trouble breathing, my breaths were shallow and they hurt. Oh girl, I been there! Tracking 4 hours with my best friend in a hot desart in Utah that can't even be found on a map. We finaly came accross a place that would pass off either as a pitstop or a small boom town village that forgot to die & warshiped the first vending machine we saw, all because her brother ate all the gas in her car the night before & decided not to tell us untill we wobbled back. : One more thing, I don't think people hear this enough, please, stay away from drungs. No matter how little you use or if you only did it once, it stays with you, a little goes a long way, it adds up, building upon the foundation that was laid before. It's not just you that feels the effect, but everyone around you. It stays with you, haunts you. I didn't lose my brother, but I very well could have. Don't put your family in this position, if a friend is doing it, please, get them help. The most horrifying things are the unexpected. & if anyone in your family DOES drink or do drugs, don't physically abuse them for it, but keep in mind that they need to be punished for their own good. Thanks to my consistant pranking, my parents are restricted to mint & bubblegum ciggarettes in fear that one of us will do something crazy^_^ & if your brother wants to borrow your car, empty 3/5ths of the tank & make him buy more or go less. (moment of portuguese)Os irmãos de estupida, roubam sempre o carro. --- Here's what you do.. Posted by Ruby Echidna Let me reassure you that whether you live in an overly drugged little town in nowheresville PA, or a more secure "whatza narcotic?" type place, drugs aren't 'the norm'. Now, unfortunately in my little overly-drugged lil' town in nowheresville PA, it -is- considered to be 'the norm' for kids younger than 12 to be doing and/or dealing drugs. The problem is that people accept that fact, because they feel they are powerless to stop it. True, it'd be near impossible to go out and hunt down any and every child in the city who regularly smokes pot, drops acid, pops pills etc., but there is a way to prevent yourself from getting caught up in the mess.. It took me a little while to realize this, but IMO, the best way to cope with such a problem is to come to terms with yourself that drugs are not good for you, nor are they something that should be considered "just something normal that happens". I know you may never look at your brother in the same way again.. Heck, I can't even look at -myself- in the same ways I used to, because there will always be that one black spot burned into the back of your mind that you know shouldn't be there. It changes your opinion a bit.. but it doesn't have to change the love you have for someone (or yourself). It took me a while to realize the things that I did were wrong and not good for me in the end, but only because I had felt that what I was into couldn't be -that- bad, if so many were into it. You just have to realize that it -is- bad, and not good for you, no matter what you feel by seeing others or listening to them. The best advice I can give, is of course, to think for yourself. -Rubes ---