In thee newest SSS the Julie-Su said she was Kragok's
half if thats true...and she do they have a child in the future?? Thats sick!!!...eww...god...thats
not proper!!!...Besides in 18
didn't Kragok call Moritori Rex father...when he said his father impersonated
Legionnairs also age 4 times um...where does this other
legionnair fit into?...And doesn't Kragok
have the same mark as Knux??!! Yes? NO?....These have been bugging
the Heck outta me...PLEASE
PS...I didn't like the fact Lupe was...was...'sniff'...
: in thee newest SSS the Julie-Su said she was Kragok's
half if thats true...and she do they have a child in the future?? Thats sick!!!...eww...god...thats
not proper!!!...
First of all, WHERE did I EVER say that Julie-Su and Kragok were romantically
involved? Nowhere to my
knowledge, and I can't be faulted for how some people interpret something
between the lines, especially
when I'm not even conscious something of that sort is even implied.
Even tracing the family tree back five generations, once you get past
three, you're not considered
immediate family by any stretch of the imagination. Say you were someone's
fifth cousin and this person was
a member of the opposite sex you were interested in, it's the same
as two strangers from different families
being together. In the case of most monarchies and wealthy families,
this sort of thing is quite common.
As for Kragok referring to Moritori Rex as father, that was a slip on
my part, as I meant to say "grandfather".
At that point, I still hadn't worked out all the details for the Dark
Legion's history. In fact, I only have an
outline from which to work from in regards to KNUCKLES, allowing me
to fill in the blanks at the appropriate
time with the best ideas I have on hand at the moment. This way, I'm
not so constrained if a better idea
comes along in the meantime.
Okay so here is the way I get the D.L family so far
alot of Echindas I don't know
Moritori rex
sombody else
and Julie-Su
Can you tell me who is In between Moritori rex and Kragok
now I'm really confused
thanks Seeya
P.S did you get my E-mail about Knuckles twenty years after?
seeya soon
Okay...I didn't make that clear...I meant to say in Knux and Julie's
future...but still...they are considered
related...right?...Knuckles called Dimitri great's making
my head spin!
One thing I Bunnie's story...she was
Sonic In your Face she was
de-'bot-a-zied...but he told Bunnie if she was done over...she could
never be derobotizied!...Now sum where
I heard the Sonic In Your Face is suppost to be the true future...but
she is...whole...sorta speak...
Okay enought chit-chat...I have homework to do...
I don't wanna reright the Treaty of Versailles! WAHHHHHHH
: Okay...I didn't make that clear...I meant to say in Knux and Julie's
future...but still...they are considered
related...right?...Knuckles called Dimitri great's making
my head spin!
Yes, they can be considered to be related. But for the purposes of marriage,
they aren't related. The reason
marrying anyone from your own family is wrong because it begins a process
of something called inbreeding.
Now inbreeding is used with animals all the time to strengthen certain
desired characteristic such as a
particular type of fur, or size, or temperament. Unfortunately, a side
effect of the inbreeding is to also
strengthen those characteristics NOT desired. Genetic defects that
prevent an organism from properly
growing or maturing. This is why animals like purebred dogs are all
prone to some particular malady. The
process by which the "purebreed" was created also produced the problems
that inflict that breed. Example,
golden retrievers are prone to tumors, and have to be watched closely
for any signs of them developing.
Other problems are hip dysplasia, vertebrae misalignment, and other
genetically related diseases. In
humans, inbreeding usually manifests as physical deformities and mental
illness (since our brains are more
highly developed, and thus are far more prone to genetic errors.)
So why aren't we all like Quasimodo? It has to do with genetic diversity.
Our genes are not alike...they are as
unique to each of us as a fingerprint. When a child is conceived, he
or she receives genes from both the
mother and the father, creating an entirely new combination, a new
individual. The combined genes carry
characteristics of both parents. Thus you hear people say, "She has
her mother's eyes but her father's
disposition." And an interesting thing happens when a "good" gene and
a "defective" gene come
together...usually, the good gene replaces the defective one. Not always,
but the odds are in favor of that
As Ken mentioned before, the accepted limitation of when genes can be
recombined without ill effect is 3
generations. With every generation, the number of original genes is
cut in half. Should two individuals of the
third generation fall in love, marry, and produce offspring, those
offspring will only have 1/16 of the original
genes from that past family tie. Fully 15/16 will be "new material."
(Yes, I know this is a very simplistic explanation, but it's enough
for our purpose here.)
Now the family tie between Julie-Su and Knuckles goes a lot farther
back than 3 generations. So essentially
for them, it's the same as two strangers who've met, fallen in love
with each other (with a little help from the
echidna Soultouch) and, at some future point, should marry and have
a child.
: One thing I Bunnie's story...she was
Sonic In your Face she was
de-'bot-a-zied...but he told Bunnie if she was done over...she could
never be derobotizied!...Now sum where
I heard the Sonic In Your Face is suppost to be the true future...but
she is...whole...sorta speak...
There's more than one way to "de-roboticize" a Rab-bot,
even though Ken said this conversion means she can never be returned
to normal. And if I ever get a fanfic
done that I've been working on for about a year now, you'll see how
all of it, past and future, ties together.
But more important matters are pressing now, like Ken's Original Art
& More Store. :)
: One thing I Bunnie's story...she was
Sonic In your Face she was
de-'bot-a-zied...but he told Bunnie if she was done over...she could
never be derobotizied!...Now sum where
I heard the Sonic In Your Face is suppost to be the true future...but
she is...whole...sorta speak...
And frankly, the "NEVER be deroboticised" thing is driving me up the
wall, too. :(
: And frankly, the "NEVER be deroboticised" thing is driving me up the wall, too. :(
Weeeell, I can think of serveral ways around it.
The most obvious involves cloning...
Hey, it worked for Professor Xavier ;D
Actually, I wasn't surprised. Uncle Chuck said something about not being
able to de-roboticize the Robians
waaaay back in StH #...
[::scratches head, but fails to recall the exact issue #.::]
[::thinks the story was called "The Rise & Fall of Robotropolis"::]
due to all the modifications--and even routine maintenance--done to
After the "Mecha Madness" story arc, I figured this was a foregone
conclusion w.r.t. Bunnie.
Still, to come right out and declare it like that...
Well, I can see why some fans are not happy campers ;)
Heck, YES, I'm "not a happy camper", and I don't see what there is to
SMILE about with this, either! I was SO
FREAKING _MAD_ when I read that!!!
Oh, and by the way, the Lupe story? IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!! Not as far as
I'M concerned. Clunky, super-fast,
rushed writing like that when it comes to such an important character
doesn't count when it comes to me.
Either write her death better and longer and more set-up or I will
NEVER believe it. Lupe is still alive. She
was never roboticised. So HA!
Well, I, for one, have not READ the Mecha Madness trilogy. I came into
you understand. When I first even HEARD of them, everybody was talking
about the upcoming Knuckles #25.
By the time I BOUGHT some, #25 was out already. Anyway, I have not
READ the MechaMadness trilogy, I
have not read "The Rise and Fall of Robotropolis", and as far as _I_
knew, there WAS always SOME hope for
poor Bunnie. What about that future thing where you see her deroboticized?!
Okay, so that's a POSSIBLE
future. But, follow my logic here:
If it's IMPOSSIBLE for her to EVER be deroboticised, then the future
vision, no matter WHICH one it was, of
WHICH future, should NEVER have shown her as all-organic.
But since it DID show her that way...
...that means that there must BE a possibility!
But probably not. I think Ken just LIKES her being that way so he'll
NEVER fix it. I shouldn't be expecting
continuity from this comic anyway. To name just one glitch, the Chaotix
adaptation showed clearly that all the
different members of the team had just that minute met each other,
and they were in a group. (Well, Charmy
and Espio seemed to sorta know each other, but that was it.) However,
later on, in I believe Knuckles #14, (I
know it was one of that trilogy; coulda been #15) we have a scene set,
we are led to believe, a couple years
earlier or somewhere around there, where Mighty and Charmy meet each
other for the first time--and it's a
different setting and _no-one else is around_! DID they meet each other? By Mighty burrowing through a mountain
to startle everybody to death,
or by Charmy flying up to Mighty while he (the armadillo) was dipping
his feet in a quiet wilderness stream?
According to the comics, BOTH happened.
But that can't be right. Not unless one or both characters suddenly
got amnesia! I suppose you COULD
"meet" someone for the "first" time TWICE if that happened!
Anyway, my point is, one the one hand, we were shown a POSSIBLE future
where Bunnie was whole again,
and if it's possible, that means that Dr. Quack's statement was WRONG.
Maybe HE can't deroboticise her,
but it's not beyond the laws of physics. If it wasn't possible, the
future vision could not EVER have shown it. I
mean, it was supposed to be a possible future, not an imaginary, totally-fake
vision from out of someone's
On the other hand, the incident I listed about with Charmy and Mighty
shows that the comic has no continuity
whatsoever. (And I'm still trying to figure out how a chameleon can
live in the IceCap Zone and how infrared
can see a crocodile, but never mind...)
So...I don't know WHICH interpretation is true.
All I do know is that up until now, I always ASSUMED that there was
hope for Bunnie SOMEDAY.
And I will continue to assume that until the comic series is completely
: Well, I, for one, have not READ the Mecha Madness trilogy. I came
into the comics REALLY REALLY LATE,
you understand.
Okay. Didn't know that before.
: What about that future thing where you see her deroboticized?! Okay,
so that's a POSSIBLE future. But,
follow my logic here:
: If it's IMPOSSIBLE for her to EVER be deroboticised, then the future
vision, no matter WHICH one it was, of
WHICH future, should NEVER have shown her as all-organic.
: But since it DID show her that way...
: ...that means that there must BE a possibility!
-Very- good point.
Comments, Mr. P??
:I shouldn't be expecting continuity from this comic anyway.
If you think -this- title is bad, try reading X-Men! :0
: To name just one glitch, the Chaotix adaptation showed clearly that
all the different members of the team
had just that minute met each other, and they were in a group. (Well,
Charmy and Espio seemed to sorta
know each other, but that was it.) However, later on, in I believe
Knuckles #14, (I know it was one of that
trilogy; coulda been #15) we have a scene set, we are led to believe,
a couple years earlier or somewhere
around there, where Mighty and Charmy meet each other for the first
time--and it's a different setting and
_no-one else is around_!
: DID they meet each other? By Mighty burrowing through a
mountain to startle everybody to
death, or by Charmy flying up to Mighty while he (the armadillo) was
dipping his feet in a quiet wilderness
: According to the comics, BOTH happened.
: But that can't be right.
Another good point. Can't argue with that.
: Anyway, my point is, one the one hand, we were shown a POSSIBLE future
where Bunnie was whole again,
and if it's possible, that means that Dr. Quack's statement was WRONG.
I agree with your reasoning there.
: Maybe HE can't deroboticise her, but it's not beyond the laws of physics.
Er, since when did the laws of physics mean much in a comic book anyway?
Afterall, magic exists in that
'universe', right? Such a thing may not be beyond magical means, either.
: On the other hand, the incident I listed about with Charmy and Mighty
shows that the comic has no
continuity whatsoever. (And I'm still trying to figure out how a chameleon
can live in the IceCap Zone and
how infrared can see a crocodile, but never mind...)
When you figure those out, please tell us ;D
(I can't figure 'em, either)
: So...I don't know WHICH interpretation is true.
: All I do know is that up until now, I always ASSUMED that there was
hope for Bunnie SOMEDAY.
Have you ever seen the SatAM Sonic series?
Well, Bunnie was (briefly) deroboticized in the episode "Sonic Conversion"...
[::reminds herself that whatever happened in the series -didn't- happen
in the comic continuity--and
Heh. Went off on a tangent there :P Sorry.
That story in the "In Your Face Special" -did- give us that impression.
And guess who wrote -that-.
Oh, wait; he didn't -draw- it, though.
I think I shall avoid this particular topic from now on...
: Heck, YES, I'm "not a happy camper", and I don't see what there is
to SMILE about with this, either! I was
SO FREAKING _MAD_ when I read that!!!
My take on Bunnie is simply this... when I was considering de-roboticizing
her some time ago, I received
e-mail from several handicapped readers all asking me to reconsider.
(I used to do a lot of online chats for
awhile back then.) When they explained to me that they looked upon
Bunnie as a source of inspiration in
dealing with a hardship, as well as a visible symbol to the non-happicapped
that even those who have some
deformity are capable of making a contribution, I felt they made a
point that a lot of us tend to overlook. In
having her deal with the fact she is half-'bot and accepting of her
fate, it made her even more heroic than if
she had been restored. I also think she would lose her uniqueness if
she were restored. (It also makes
Antoine that much more noble a character in accepting her as she currently
is.) Bottom line: if Bunnie,
Antoine and all their friends can accept her as she is, why can't anyone
else? Or are those who aren't
accepting simply displaying a latent prejudice because she isn't "perfectly
normal"? Something to think
about there.
: Oh, and by the way, the Lupe story? IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!! Not as far
as I'M concerned. Clunky, super-fast,
rushed writing like that when it comes to such an important character
doesn't count when it comes to me.
Either write her death better and longer and more set-up or I will
NEVER believe it. Lupe is still alive. She
was never roboticised. So HA!
Sorry, but in OUR continuity, she is. You're perfectly free to write
a non-roboticized Lupe story for your own
enjoyment, but you will never see her or her family again in a deroboticized
state. For one thing, we just
don't have the room to deal with all the characters we have as it is.
Frankly, I thought the Lupe story was important simply because it showed
that even a female could make the
ultimate sacrifice on behalf of those dear to her. More often than
not, it's the girls who are usually shown
being rescued instead of heroic, and that's why I felt that this was
an opportunity to really make a statement
with this character.
: Well, I, for one, have not READ the Mecha Madness trilogy. I came
into the comics REALLY REALLY LATE,
you understand. When I first even HEARD of them, everybody was talking
about the upcoming Knuckles #25.
By the time I BOUGHT some, #25 was out already. Anyway, I have not
READ the MechaMadness trilogy, I
have not read "The Rise and Fall of Robotropolis", and as far as _I_
knew, there WAS always SOME hope for
poor Bunnie. What about that future thing where you see her deroboticized?!
Okay, so that's a POSSIBLE
future. But, follow my logic here:
: If it's IMPOSSIBLE for her to EVER be deroboticised, then the future
vision, no matter WHICH one it was, of
WHICH future, should NEVER have shown her as all-organic.
: But since it DID show her that way...
: ...that means that there must BE a possibility!
How do you know it's not her daughter, a clone, her twin sister, an
alternate world version, or some other
possibility I can't think of at the moment? Don't be so rigid in your
: But probably not. I think Ken just LIKES her being that way so he'll
NEVER fix it. I shouldn't be expecting
continuity from this comic anyway. To name just one glitch, the Chaotix
adaptation showed clearly that all the
different members of the team had just that minute met each other,
and they were in a group. (Well, Charmy
and Espio seemed to sorta know each other, but that was it.) However,
later on, in I believe Knuckles #14, (I
know it was one of that trilogy; coulda been #15) we have a scene set,
we are led to believe, a couple years
earlier or somewhere around there, where Mighty and Charmy meet each
other for the first time--and it's a
different setting and _no-one else is around_!
: DID they meet each other? By Mighty burrowing through a
mountain to startle everybody to
death, or by Charmy flying up to Mighty while he (the armadillo) was
dipping his feet in a quiet wilderness
: According to the comics, BOTH happened.
: But that can't be right. Not unless one or both characters suddenly
got amnesia! I suppose you COULD
"meet" someone for the "first" time TWICE if that happened!
: Anyway, my point is, one the one hand, we were shown a POSSIBLE future
where Bunnie was whole again,
and if it's possible, that means that Dr. Quack's statement was WRONG.
Maybe HE can't deroboticise her,
but it's not beyond the laws of physics. If it wasn't possible, the
future vision could not EVER have shown it. I
mean, it was supposed to be a possible future, not an imaginary, totally-fake
vision from out of someone's
: On the other hand, the incident I listed about with Charmy and Mighty
shows that the comic has no
continuity whatsoever. (And I'm still trying to figure out how a chameleon
can live in the IceCap Zone and
how infrared can see a crocodile, but never mind...)
: So...I don't know WHICH interpretation is true.
Regarding the KNUCKLES' CHAOTIX SPECIAL, of which I've been taking a
bashing on this board over it
lately, it seems. That was done simply because Sega wanted a tie-in
to the 32X game. The big problem,
though, was they only gave us some character designs from the game
and not much else. We never
received so much as a scrap of storyline beyond the fact the game supposedly
took place at some
amusement park.
When we wrote that story, my then-partner Mike was deteriorating from
a long-term illness (from which he
has since recovered from, thankfully). We had no clue at that time
that anything we did with those characters
would go beyond what eventually did take place, so we never planned
for it. We simply took Sega's direction
and worked from there. If I knew then what I know now, of course things
would be different, but you have to
judge in the context of when things were done.
As for continuity, I try my hardest to maintain a tight ship, but I'm
not infallible, so there's always a chance I'm
going to forget something I did several months or years ago when I'm
under a deadline pressure to finish
the latest story. When I write, I'm more interested in telling a good
story than I am in details that happened
several issues ago. Most of the time there's no problem, but when there
is, I know I'm going to hear about it
one way or another.
First of all, thank you for your comments. I admit I've been bashing
you rather hard over the Chaotix special,
but that's because I just barely now read it, even though it's old,
so it's new to ME--_and_ I just recently got a
32-X and copy of the game itself.
Erk...not a good combination. Bad timing. :P
See, the deal is, despite the plotholes within the storyline of the
issue itself (like was the House of Mirrors
ordinary glass or some kind of forcefield--it seemed to change from
the beginning to the end of the story,
how did everybody get their invitations and get TO the Island, etc.
And I'll shut up about the Vector thing for
a moment) I'm willing to forgive a LOT of it once I know how much you
and the others who worked on the
special did or did not know about the game ahead of time. Now that
I KNOW you never actually played it and
that Sega gave you practically no information to go on, I blame Sega
a lot more than you. (If you HAD played
the game and read the instruction booklet, I'd be comin' down hard
on yo tail. But you didn't, so all-well,
SOME--is forgiven.) Not knowing is a perfectly good excuse, so I apologise
for yelling at you for getting the
characters' personalities and in some cases looks wrong...
(Did you know that Vector actually has TWO plates of spines down his
back? I'm not saying this as a nitpick,
'cos I myself just barely noticed after owning the game for a couple
of weeks. DUH....Anyway, each line starts
at the back of one shoulder and goes down his back diagonally to meet
at the base of his tail, where it turns
into one line. To your credit, I just ASSUMED the way he's drawn in
the comics is the way he actually
looks--maybe that's why it took me so long to see the difference in
the game itself!)
As for the Bunnie thing--no, I'm NOT saying I have anything against
people who are handicapped--in fact,
I've had friends who were retarded, blind, deaf... And I can see their
point. I would just like there to be some
HOPE for Bunnie, that's all. I mean, there is some hope that some blind
people might see again, even today,
if they can save up enough money for the operation. Paralyzed people
CAN walk again with the right therapy
and enough time. Bunnie doesn't have to be deroboticised right
could happen when she's
middle-aged, or even quite old. But I'd just like to be able to imagine
that there's a possibility. I just don't like
to shut out options--I like things to be nice and open.
As for Lupe, well, first of all, I don't write in the comic continuity
anyway. For one thing, I had my own ideas of
what the Floating Island is like, how Knuckles acts, and what REALLY
happened to the echidnas, long before
I ever even heard of the comics' existence, and my ideas clash so violently
with the comics that they just
CAN'T go together. (The Echidnas were in a special zone hidden somewhere
vs. they teleported
themselves to another planet by accident. Knuckles as a lonely self-appointed
"Guardian" on a
mostly-deserted Island, keeping it the way his people would have wanted
it out of grief and sadness, vs. the
super-important Royal Crown Prince Knuckles, with "Guardian" really
MEANING something. Dating a
hedgehog lightly compared to having a kid in the future with Julie-Su.
Uh-uh, won't work.) I am currently very
busy trying to set up my OWN continuity, and to get people to accept
it as _a_ valid way to see the Sonic
universe--not correct, but valid. After I've gotten my first seven
or eight ("Shadows of the Future", The
Chaotix Chronicles: "Charmy's Challenge" (done), "Espio's Escapade"
(done) "Mighty's Mistake" (not done)
"Vector's Vengeance", (ditto) and Pefect Chaotix (not done), "Reality's
Rough Draft" (the "Betaverse") and
"Dark Mobius"; the first six of those are one series) stories out of
the way, I'll MAYBE do a comic-universe
Anyway, going back to Lupe, I would be able to accept her death better
if it wasn't! I mean, it
was just too sudden for a character who's rather well-known like her.
Take the example I did earlier with
Mello from the Chaotix Caper trilogy. (Not to be confused with my own
Chronicles; although Charmy is a
Prince in both storylines.) Mello, who I had NEVER heard of before,
got a dramatic death scene in the first
issue, rosy-coloured sentimental flashbacks, (with the drugs Charmy
was on at the time giving the word
"flashback" a double meaning ;)), a REALLY touching funeral and tear-jerking
eulogy/monologue, and it was
all spread out over three issues.
And he was like this NOTHING character!
Lupe, on the other paw, who I've been hearing vaguely about ever since
I first got onto the Sonic stuff on
the 'net, gets roboticised AND dies in the space of about 2 or 3 pages.
That's just not RIGHT. For someone that major, you need to build it
up, stretch it out. Her
death/roboticisation and the events that lead up to it should have
been part of a larger multi-issue story arc,
with several other things going on at the same time of course. I do
realise that in a short story you don't
have that much room, but couldn't you have said something ELSE about
Lupe in her short story and then
killed her off in the next upcoming 3 Sonic issues? Or whenever would
be an appropriate time to stick it in.
To give an EXTREMELY minor character a heart-wrenching funeral and
a major-ish one nothing but a lonely
gravestone in the course of only 8 pages just isn't RIGHT. I'd be more
willing to believe it happened if it was
written better.
Yes, before you tell me, I do understand that this is war and that
in war, people DO die suddenly and for
much less reason than Lupe did. I have NOTHING against the idea of
a woman being brave or fearless. You
may want to remember that despite the fact I'm using a male character's
name, I'm a feminist (and a woman.
Besides, "Charmy" always struck me as an androgynous name.) But it
was just It felt like watching
an action movie in fast-forward and then being expected to understand
it somehow when it was over--15
minutes later, instead of 2 hours like it was supposed to be. It just
feels...fake. I'm still expecting her to wake
up, or tell the computer to "End Program". (Yes, I'm a Trekkie...)
I know the story is already written and
published and there's nothing that can be done--you probably don't
WANT anything to be done, anyway--but
it should have been stretched out and built up more. If it had, I would
have been more able to believe it.
Oh, while we're at it, Valdez's very sudden roboticisation and the
way NO-one seems to care or be very
upset about it (Hershey's callous comment, "Well, we definitely lost
Valdez" grates on my nerves) didn't sit
too well with me, either. It's a supporting character BLOODBATH all
of a sudden!
Oh, just a couple of TEENSY little nitpicks...
If Lupe is married, she's Señora, not Señorita. The first
means "Mrs.", the second means "Miss." I took
Spanish for several years; that bugged me the second I read it. Then
again, I suppose it's mild compared to
"Saccre Bleu Cheez!" (And I LIKE Antoine, by the way...I'm one of the
very few who does...)
And echidnas can NEVER have twins. But I'm not blaming you for that
one. Very few people who write Sonic
stories bother to read information on the real animals the characters
are based on first, let alone remember
and USE some of the information. I do, and Crazy Chameleon does (I
know 'cos she was also going to have
Mighty be a quadruplet) but we're the only two I know of. Still, it
remains a fact that REAL echidnas NEVER
have twins--the mother can only lay one egg at once.
But I'm not BLAMING you for that. I'm just pointing out a trivia bit.
Buzzing off now...
I like Antoine! As in, a lot... until Remmy came along he had to have
been my favorite... he's still in what, the
top 3? Some people can really ruin him (*koff* The Map *koff) but he's
still a good, albeit sometimes painful,
I guess if something went really wrong... two little 'nidas might come
out of that egg. ^-^ (Come on... they
ARE huminoid chaos-engineered echnidas and all... you never know...)
: I like Antoine! As in, a lot... until Remmy came along he had to have
been my favorite... he's still in what, the
top 3? Some people can really ruin him (*koff* The Map *koff) but he's
still a good, albeit sometimes painful,
: I guess if something went really wrong... two little 'nidas might
come out of that egg. ^-^ (Come on... they
ARE huminoid chaos-engineered echnidas and all... you never know...)
: `Kixxy
I'm glad SOMEone else likes him! I had to remove a guestbook entry at
my site today because of someone
using the most incredibly FOUL language against him...! you don't even
want to KNOW...
(and I didn't just do that because he was bashing a character I liked...I
don't allow that kind of language into
my guestbook EVER.)
As for drugs....hmmmmn...I'm thinkin'...I could really go for a good
chilidog right now. Wanna come with me
down to the Happyland Amusement Park? The special sauce on the chili
dogs there is MOST
excellent...DUDE... ;)
By the way, I like Remington too--I liked him from the moment I saw
him and didn't quite know why. In fact, in
my own fanfics, which are NOT in the comic-book continuity, I managed
to have a character named in his
honour anyway. She's also a cop (although not the CHIEF of police)
and also an echidna, and her name is
Lorinda Steele.
As in...REMINGTON Steele, that cheesy (but funny) parody detective
show from the '80s? Starring Pierce
Brosnan, the current James Bond? A-hah-ha-ha, I crack me up. Well,
anyway, my parents used to watch that
show ALL THE TIME, and they still mention it every now and then today,
to the point where now, whenever I
hear the name "Remington" my brain almost automatically goes "Steele"
after it. ;)
(looks at her silly cartoon of "Emma-Su Peel" and falls over laughing
Oh, and about the twins--if they both hatched out of the SAME egg,
they'd have to be identical! But that
really wasn't one of my major problems with the story--just a little
minor trivia thing. It's not anywhere NEAR
as silly a mistake as having infrared pick up Vector. That's's's like HEDGEHOGS sleeping on
an AIR MATTRESS! (Ya ever read the story "Chaos Race"...?)
Buzzing off now...
P.S. I keep trying to think up a good female echidna name but all the
cute ones are taken! Is the name
"Cyndi-Lu" still available? I want to give the nurse from the Chaotix
Caper trilogy a name for some reason,
and that would fit her pretty well. :)
: And echidnas can NEVER have twins. But I'm not blaming you for that
one. Very few people who write Sonic
stories bother to read information on the real animals the characters
are based on first, let alone remember
and USE some of the information. I do, and Crazy Chameleon does (I
know 'cos she was also going to have
Mighty be a quadruplet) but we're the only two I know of. Still, it
remains a fact that REAL echidnas NEVER
have twins--the mother can only lay one egg at once.
: But I'm not BLAMING you for that. I'm just pointing out a trivia
: Buzzing off now...
: ...Notorious
Hrm...Well actually...I've read in more than one place that Echidna's
-CAN- lay 2 eggs....But it's -very-
rare...Just thought I'd note that...Perhaps I'll look into it further...
: Well, I, for one, have not READ the Mecha Madness trilogy. I came
into the comics REALLY REALLY LATE,
you understand. When I first even HEARD of them, everybody was talking
about the upcoming Knuckles #25.
By the time I BOUGHT some, #25 was out already. Anyway, I have not
READ the MechaMadness trilogy, I
have not read "The Rise and Fall of Robotropolis", and as far as _I_
knew, there WAS always SOME hope for
poor Bunnie. What about that future thing where you see her deroboticized?!
Okay, so that's a POSSIBLE
future. But, follow my logic here:
: If it's IMPOSSIBLE for her to EVER be deroboticised, then the future
vision, no matter WHICH one it was, of
WHICH future, should NEVER have shown her as all-organic.
: But since it DID show her that way...
: ...that means that there must BE a possibility!
Trust me, it's easily possible. I haven't read SSS#11 yet, but if it's
only Dr. Quack saying that, it doesn't mean
anything. The reason...the echidnas are the most advanced species on
Mobius, until their opinion is made,
anything is possible (in my opinion anyway). Another reason, the future
shown was 20 years in the future.
Maybe Dr. Quack can't deroboticize her now, but technology will improve
and it might be a possiblity (and of
course there are always chaos emeralds and power rings that Sonic,
Tails, or Knux might be able to use to
deroboticize her and everyone else).
: But probably not. I think Ken just LIKES her being that way so he'll
NEVER fix it. I shouldn't be expecting
continuity from this comic anyway. To name just one glitch, the Chaotix
adaptation showed clearly that all the
different members of the team had just that minute met each other,
and they were in a group. (Well, Charmy
and Espio seemed to sorta know each other, but that was it.) However,
later on, in I believe Knuckles #14, (I
know it was one of that trilogy; coulda been #15) we have a scene set,
we are led to believe, a couple years
earlier or somewhere around there, where Mighty and Charmy meet each
other for the first time--and it's a
different setting and _no-one else is around_!
: DID they meet each other? By Mighty burrowing through a
mountain to startle everybody to
death, or by Charmy flying up to Mighty while he (the armadillo) was
dipping his feet in a quiet wilderness
: According to the comics, BOTH happened.
Both incidents could of happened. My take on Knuckles' Chaotix was that
Knuckles was meeting them for
the first time, with the exception of Vector who Knuckles was with
in the Triple Trouble Special. Espio and
Charmy acted as if they knew each other before when Knux met them.
Vector and Mighty's introductions just
seemed to startle everyone. Maybe it's just me, but I never got the
impression that the Chaotix members had
just met for the first time. It appeared that Knux was meeting them
for the first time. Heavy and Bomb, on the
other hand, were new to everyone.
: On the other hand, the incident I listed about with Charmy and Mighty
shows that the comic has no
continuity whatsoever. (And I'm still trying to figure out how a chameleon
can live in the IceCap Zone and
how infrared can see a crocodile, but never mind...)
Espio lives in Rainbow Valley, not the Ice Cap Zone. As for the infrared, you got me there.
: So...I don't know WHICH interpretation is true.
: All I do know is that up until now, I always ASSUMED that there was
hope for Bunnie SOMEDAY.
: And I will continue to assume that until the comic series is completely
: ...Notorious
Never give up hope.
...than Mr. Penders' version. Of course, his is official and yours is
not, but I don't care. I guess I must be a
glass-is-half-FULL kinda person, despite my fits of random emotions
(I KNOW I'm a hyperactive
mood-swinging supernova-tempered babbler, you don't need to tell me)
'cos whenever I'm presented with
different viewpoints that all seem just about equally "correct", I
always tend to go for the most optimistic
one. And you're right, I never even THOUGHT of the Echidnas. It's just
that the way Dr. Quack said it
bothered me, big time. He did NOT say, "If you get a hardware upgrade,
there will be nothing _I_ can do to
deroboticise you afterwards", he said, "If you get a hardware upgrade
there will be NO CHANCE of
deroboticisation." In other words, not just beyond HIS abilities, but
beyond even The Gods Themselves,
basically. (In my stories, the Mobians have a multi-theistic religion,
well, SOME of them do. Espio mentions a
"Great Maker" and the echidnas have a Goddess. But that's not important
right now.)
The intros of Mighty and Vector sure seemed to make it look as if the
others had never seen them before.
Vector especially didn't seem to know Mighty from any other armadillo.
As for "a chameleon living in the IceCap Zone", I sorta phrased that
wrong. First of all, I didn't mean literally
LIVING there, as in staying there in a house, for years on end, I meant,
SURVIVING. As in, "I don't think I can
_live_ under these conditions much longer!" Secondly, it wasn't really
the IceCap Zone, but a snow-and-ice
landscape of some kind that was somewhat similar. And it wasn't Espio,
it was Valdez. I was referring to the
Forbidden Zone story arc, in which Geoffrey's team, including Valdez,
was exploring the Island to see what
was wrong, and everything was frozen with snow all over the place.
As one of them said (I forget who)
"There's only one place on this island that's supposed to have snow--and
this ain't it!" Valdez was wearing a
jacket and a hat and boots, and he was JUST FINE. To actually survive
in that temperature, he should have
been wearing an ELECTRIC bodysuit that covered him from head to toe
and had its own power-source,
making a layer of heat around his body and trapping it in via technology.
A cold-blooded being would quickly
slow down, seize up, and die rather painfully and horribly in a climate
like THAT. But Valdez was just fine...
I know, I know. I like to put stuff from the REAL animals into the
Mobian ones whenever I can. And I accept
that I'm one of the very few who does. I can understand why not everyone
would have Mighty be an identical
quadruplet, but on the other hand have the echidnas NEVER having twins,
why I think Sonic is a desert
hedgehog and not a woodland one, why I have Charmy hooked on strawberry
nectar, etc. Those are little
details. But the BIG things bother me--and anyone Ken's age KNOWS by
now that lizards can't survive in the
cold! When it's THAT obvious, when it jumps out of the page and bites
me on the butt, that's when I just
HAVE to nitpick it. :P
Buzzing off now...
...about Valdez. The electric insulated bodysuit I described in the
post above would, of course, be a pain in
the tail to write and draw. So I'm NOT saying they should have done
THAT. It just would have been a lot
easier--and more accurate--had Valdez not come along on that particular
mission at all. Leave him home, and
then if anyone is wondering what happened to him, put in a casual throwaway
line about how he has the flu
or something. Hershey or Geoffrey could say it, perhaps. Then just
go on with a somewhat smaller crew.
No biggie. :)
I would say that you should make SURE to point out that Valdez's abscence
is TEMPORARY, but now I'm not
so sure. Maybe if he had just up and QUIT from the team back in Knuckles
#19, he'd still be alive today. After
all, it was the fact that he was on a mission that got him roboticised
in SSS#11...
Having a character dropped out of the comic and hanging around in the
background anonymously but ALIVE
is a LOT better than putting them in the spotlight just to be killed
off. BOY am I glad Charmy wasn't killed...
Buzzing off now...
Where did it say anywhere that Valdez and Lupe were dead? Being roboticized
does not mean you are dead!
Sure there was a gravestone for Lupe, but the characters are not dead
and could still be used. You could
even hold a hope that they will one day be robotized if u like! While
I think Eggman looks foolish and non
threatening, I think the Sonic comics have been getting good, not that
they ever really good bad IMO. Just
enjoy the stories for what they are!
: Where did it say anywhere that Valdez and Lupe were dead? Being roboticized
does not mean you are
dead! Sure there was a gravestone for Lupe, but the characters are
not dead and could still be used. You
could even hold a hope that they will one day be robotized if u like!
While I think Eggman looks foolish and
non threatening, I think the Sonic comics have been getting good, not
that they ever really good bad IMO.
Just enjoy the stories for what they are!
Well, what with the free-will repressing software being stronger now
than ever, or whatever it was, AND
Uncle Chuck turning evil, AND the comment about how Bunnie can "never
ever be deroboticised!" the
future just doesn't look good for them, is all I'm saying. It never
did look good to begin with and now I'm
pretty sure there's no hope whatsoever. That, and the fact that the
exceedingly DARK turn the comics took
is making me feel DEPRESSED! I really can't look at anything about
the story in a hopeful mood right
now--not when I'm like this. And if major characters can drop like
flies, two in ONE ISSUE, _no-one_ is safe.
PERFECTION (What did you think I was gonna say?)!!!!! I loved it. It
was one of the best SSS yet. My favorite
stories from most favorite to least favorite are:
1. Lupe's
2. Hersey's
3. Julie-Su's
4. Sally's
5. Bunnie's
I didn't have anything againest Bunnie's, it was great!! It's just that
the other 4 were better. The reason I
thought Lupe's was the best was because it showed how truly evil Robotnik
is. The original was just some
tub of lard that dressed in silly outfits (remember the Bunnie solo
story when Robotnik & Snivily were
chasing her in flower suits?) But, this Robotnik (or as Hersey would
call him "Eggman") is PURE EVIL. I must
say I am scared to think what he will do next. Think about it. How
many main charactors did the 1st Robotnik
robotize in his entire 50 issue career? Not that many. Eggman has been
in power for 2 issues & he has:
robotized 2 main charactors (Lupe & Valdez), ruined 1 charactors
life (Mina's), & destroyed everything the
Mobians had worked so hard for for 74 issues. And to think he did all
PURE EVIL!!! I LOVE IT!!! We finally get a REAL villian. I wonder who's
next on the robotizing list? That's
another thing I like about Eggman. He is robotizing main charactors!!
For all we know Rotor could be
robotized!! That would be perfect.
Speaking of Rotor. I wonder if he's discovered THE EGGMAN IS BACK!!!! you well know. Maybe not the expected swear word, but I definitely
wouldn't say "perfection."
For one thing, I've never liked, or taken seriously, Robotnik as a
villian. I STILL don't, and I still don't WANT
to. I tend to avoid him most of the time in my own fanfics. And I am
MAD about how many people have been
roboticised! Especially considering that with the free-will-obliterating
software upgraded now or whatever
happened, there is absolutely NO chance we will EVER get them back.
Lupe's death was so sudden that I
keep saying, "Computer, end program!" at random intervals of the day
(and get rather odd stares, I can tell
you! ;) No, I don't REALLY say that out loud...) but at least it had
some kind of a noble purpose, I guess. But
Valdez? What the HECK did HIS death serve?! NONE AT ALL! There was
really no reason to kill him!
It's a supporting-character BLOODBATH and I, for one, find it VERY
disturbing! And I don't want Rotor to die!
I LIKE Rotor! Well, to be totally accurate, I would LIKE to be able
to get to know Rotor better through back
issues so that I COULD like him. But at any rate, NO, don't kill off
one of the core Freedom Fighters! Once
you've done that any and all of the people on the Floating Island are
possible roboticiser-bait too...
(and so HELP me, if you kill Charmy...)
Anyway, I have a VIOLENTLY different opinion on this. I'm not saying
it was bad. If it was REALLY bad, I
wouldn't be talking about it so much. But in the end, practically all
the stories made me MAD! The only ones
that left me with anything approaching a decent taste in my mouth were
Sally and Julie-Su--and even then,
with reservations!
At any rate, if you don't mind spoilers and/or have already read the
issue, I now have a review of it up at my
site, indexed for your convenience--the first page is the intro and
summary of the whole issue itself, and
Sally's story. From there, there are links taking you to the other
four stories seperately, so that you may read
what you want and avoid what you want, pick and choose your favourite
ladies to read about first. You can
find it on the link below.
And watch out for a few falling swear words--nothing major, though...
"Three things never anger, or you'll not live for long:
A wolf with cubs, a man with power, and a woman's sense of wrong".
--Meredith Lackey, "Threes". For Lupe's solo story, obviously...
I read your reviews at your website and rather enjoyed them. No, I'm
not upset, peeved or whatever over
any of your opinions. You bought the book so you're entitled to express
it. On several of your complaints, I
did agree with you, but it does no good debating it because in the
long run, I have to live with the finished
published product, not the what-it-could-have-been-if-circumstances-were-different.
Incidentally, regarding female artists on the book, I take full credit
for recruiting Colleen Doran, as well as
another female artist, Ramona Fradon, who did a pin-up in KNUCKLES
not too long ago. I've been of the
opinion we should make an effort to get more female artists involved,
and this was a first step.
"Even learning Valdez had DIED was certainly more preferable than seeing him roboticized!"
With the Eggman's new Robotizing process nothing can bring the person
back. They're worse then dead.
They're hurting the people they onced helped. That to me is worse then
Yes, that quote of Hershey's was exactly what I was going by, although
I already had pretty much that opinion
of roboticisation--BEFORE Robo-Robotnik--anyway. As for who should
get roboticised next, I would not at all
mind if it happened to Monkey Khan and also Nate Morgan. I HATED Mammoth
Mogul and so he should die
too. A short while ago, I woulda said Archimedes too, but I'm starting
to not hate him so much now. Showing
his comedic side in the First Date trilogy helped out his image, in
my mind. "But I can't stay HERE! Julie-Su
might SEE me!!" exclaims Knuckles in a panic after Archy BAMFs him
into the fancy restaurant.
"Well, YEAH, that WAS kinda the point of my bringing you here," said
Archy, or words to that effect. "DUH!
Mobius to Knuckles!" ;)
ANYway, yeah, I understand that this is war (as I came out and said
in an earlier post) and that major
characters should die, but I don't want EVERYbody to die. And now I'm
getting paranoid that all the
Chaotix--or at least some of them--are going to bite the dust next.
Heck, two of them have already lost their
childhood best friends,'s gettin' kinda close...
But for right now, I'm in a better mood. I must be, 'cos I got out
the Special again and decided to do a picture
parody. Yes, a PICTURE parody. It's that great splash-page shot of
Julie-Su with the gun in one hand,
sneakin' around the corner in the DL HQ (initials are FUN!) with the
suspicious look on her face and this
totally "DON'T even try it, bub, I can kick your butt so fast you won't
know what happened." thing about her.
Well, my parody picture is a scraggly little cartoon version of it
(but you can still tell who it is) with her hair
flying wildly all over the place and a worried, silly, scared look
in her eyes instead of cautious/dangerous,
and she looks REALLY CUTE. Despite that, I decided to go off with the
"babe-ifying" trend I am seeing in
this particular issue and exaggerate that as well, so now she's wearing
a black leather catsuit ala Mrs. Emma
Peel from the Avengers. (The ORIGINAL show, mind you, not any cheap
imitation knockoff '90s movies for
MOI.) Scary thing is, it looks good on her... :P
So the end result is that I've turned a really good Spaz picture and
turned it into a goofy, scared, silly, cute
parody that crosses over into a weird '60s cult T.V. program.
GOD I love being insane.
I'm not saying I LIKE sense less killing or that I would LIKE seeing
Rotor robotized. I'm just saying that what
happened to Valdez & Lupe makes the books more realistic. In reality
everything is not perfect, the good
guys do not always win, & people die. You can't expect everything
to be all happy in cheery. They're in a war
here. People will get caught in the cross fire (Fly-Fly-Freddy, Lupe,
Uncle Chuck, & hundreds of others). If
they went through the entire war againest the Eggman & no major
charactors died, were robotized, betrayed
them. Then the book would be boring. You could predict what happens.
Robotnik does something.
Sonic stops him.
Robotnik does something to Sonic or 1 of his friends.
It is reversed.
I like that anyone could be the next victium (pictures Monkey Khan with
a big bright red targot on him).
*sigh* If only. But, anyways now there's a since of surprise. The Eggman
is by far one of the terrifing villians
we've ever had (Enerjak being the 1st. You gotta give the guy credit
for dissolving the hero.). The issues
after the SA adaption are gonna be great (if things keep up like this).
Not that I have anything againest the
SA adaption.
If that wonderful lard-bellied furry elephant hadn't showded up then
Enerjak could have just eliminated the
entire Island, and I don't see why he didn't in the first place. But
I think that if all the villains had it out,
Enerjak could win pretty easily (I mean, if they fired things at him,
he could reverse it. He could deprogam
Eggman and...)
But on the other hand, I don't like the new Dimirti very much. Now he's
just... there... and can't do anything.
(Pretty freaky looking though)
I WANT SONIC SS #!!!!! ~_~
could destroy the
floating island (& maybe even the entire planet) with the snap
of his fingers & put it back together with the
clap of his hands. While the other one needs 3 million dollars of equipment
just to move 3 feet (I wonder if
he can play DVDs on that thing). I much prefer Enerjak.
Enerjak - High-powered war machine for free.
Dimiri - Low-powered blabbermouth for lots and lots of money.
The ONLY good thing about the new Dimirti is that somehow his new idea
was to have Remington become
more of a main character than in the previous installments (and then
the series quits. WAH!)
Kinda makes ya wonder if we'll ever find out the secret that Benedict
was going to black mail him with. I also
wonder if the talk Eggman had with General D'Coolette was a kind of
fore shadowing of "Return To Abolon".
Perhaps one day we'll find out.
Hmm, what could it be? *thinks for a bit* Ooh! Mebbe Remington was a
DLer who escaped the Twighlight
Zone!! Mebbe....could be....
Return to Albion... when IS IT GOING TO APPEAR? I've been dying for
Ant to get some sort of spotlight a bit
better than "The Map" *Commando Twan! EEEEK!*
HEY! Nobody's on this stupid chat! Guess I'll just make a room and wait.
Most likely in a back-up in Sonic or the main story in an SSS. But,
who really knows.
C-mon, Ever since #39 and Mecha Madness I've been DYEING to see the
REAL Mecha-Sonic's return!!!!
What can I say? I have an obsession with robots! :P
Yeah! Then Bark could lead the FF's!!
I don't think it will happen. They've already done it so I would see
no reason to see it again. Now Metal-Sonic
returning....Hey It Could Happen.
It'll never heppen. But it's wishful thinking.
is one BADA** looking
robot! He looks like he could REALLY kick butt! *drools over her SonicR
game* But Metal Sonic is still my
fav. Hey, Metal and Robo could team up!! THAT would be one killer duo!
Now you might notice I didn't
meantion Tails Doll... what can he do? He's a stuffed doll with a red
thing sticking out of his head. He's the
worst char in the SonicR game, he's not fast AT ALL.
Now Robo-Knux he's IS the BEST char in that game! It took me like ALL
DAY with playing *gasps* SONIC
*shudders* to get THIRD PLACE AT THE VERY BEST!!! I hate playing as
Sonic in that game. His turning is
SO BAD!! Too bad Knux wasn't fast enough to beat his mecha counterpart.
Knuckles is always the best player in these games. ALWAYS! Sonic can
take a hike.
Why am I going on about a game?
Anyway, they should intro Robo and bring back Metal (Or Mecha #^-^#)
Gotta juice! *whoosh===))*
I CALLED MYSELF MAGGER!!!! I might as well of called myself Mugger or
Manger. Oh well. Live & learn.
Today's leason is....cheese & beans don't mix. Or something like
Hey, my friend eats Dairy Queen fries with gravy and sour cream and
chili and cheese. Oh yeah, and the
fries. Yucky! Oh wait, ketchup and mustard and salt! Maybe vinegar!
: Hey, my friend eats Dairy Queen fries with gravy and sour cream and
chili and cheese. Oh yeah, and the
fries. Yucky! Oh wait, ketchup and mustard and salt! Maybe vinegar!
EWW!! I don't even wanna look at the replies here....
Ever eat mustard on mashed potatoes? Well, I haven't but someone in
my class has & it wasn't pretty.
I have. Yummy... I have weird tastes. say, ever had ice cream and hot
fudge on your fries? Oh yeah, with
ketchup. *drools*
Yucko! What my speciality seems to be green peppers, because all my
friends think that is just the weirdest
I freak my friends out by eating salt. Just a plain hand full of salt.
It REALLY freaks them out. I don't know
why. I do know salt tastes good.
Mr Penders,
Your SSS #11 was very well written, though I was surprised on what happend
to Lupe. I do have a question
concerning Sally. I'm glad that she descided to follow her heart, even
though it meant turning down the
throne. However, Elias doesn't wish to be king either, so does this
push him into a situation where he has
no choice? I think he would be good, though I always hoped that it
would be Sally because I find it sad that
there are no female rulers in the house of Acorn. A similar thing bugged
me was concerning there only being
one female guardian who dies very young for one which made me believe
that she must have been in some
sort of accident. I'm not trying to rant and I'm not a feminist, but
I sometimes feel that people don't like
seeing females in leadership positions, not meaning yourself of course.
It isn't that they don't like females being in leadership
positions, rather than a plot device. Athair had to be an
outcast gaurdian for some reason or another, and for a good
reason. Not being with his mother and seemingly turning his
back on her at the time of her death just happened to be
that reason. There's really no sexist writing here, justa
matter of having the
Well, I AM a feminist and I WILL rant. But I'll try to rant in a relatively
calm way in this post. I'm sure that by
now I have the reputation of being the most hair-trigger-tempered screaming
activist on this board, so...
Anyway, YES, the no-female-Guardians thing bugs me. Why the heck NOT?!
Why doesn't that white
ring-thingie ever appear on a female body? What if a Guardian gets
married and their FIRST kid is a girl, and
the SECOND one is a boy? Shouldn't the GIRL become the next Guardian
because she is first in the family
line? That must happen SOMEtimes. I refuse to believe that a family
as huge as theirs, that has been around
as long as theirs, NEVER has only children who are daughters, or NEVER
has a daughter come first in a
group of children. That's just not realistic! The laws of probability
are way the heck against it! It doesn't just
bug me because I'm a feminist--although that's a large part of the
problem too--it bugs me because it just
doesn't make SENSE.
As for Janelle-Li, from what I understand now, she was not really MEANT
to be a female Guardian; she only
had to take the position over from her husband after he died/disappeared
(I forget which) and then SHE died
soon afterwards! So she was just a substitute--a warm body to stand
in the position just because they were
desperate and there was no-one else at the time.
Rather insulting, if you ask me. :(
(And here I thought it was cool that there was a lady echidna, and
not only that, but a female GUARDIAN, who
had my own middle name...grumble grumble grumble...)
As for the House of Acorn, I know less about them but if it's true that
they also have never had a female
ruler, then I am seeing a VERY disturbing trend here. I don't think
Elias should be king. That's just not
RIGHT. Sally has worked so hard to make things good for her people
all her life. She is smart and kind and
strong, and has had WAY more experience in her 16 years (or whatever
it is) than most people--Mobian or
Overlander--have in their entire lives.
I WANT her to marry SONIC, not Antoine, (Bunnie needs Antoine), and
have those two kids, and live in the
castle as Queen with a crown on her head. Like the flash-forward.
BUUUUTTTTT.....I want her to do that WITHOUT bonding with the Source
of All. Yeah, you heard me, NOT
bond with the Source but be Queen ANYWAY. Why not? I see Sally as being
the type who could really break
traditions and go up against authority and think for HERSELF if only
she'd get the backbone to do it. Sure,
she wouldn't have foreknowledge of the consequences of her actions,
but she would sink or swim as a ruler
based on her OWN merits.
Hey, it's worked for us here on Earth for thousands of years.