MoKat's Sonic Images Collection 2
I didn't make these! I just think they are cool, weird, or both :)
Scans from Archie Comics' Sonic
the Hedgehog series:
Comic Shop News--(Sonic & Knuckles cover).
In case you're wondering why Ken's signature is on it--I ordered the CSN
issues from him.
Sonic Kids--Cover: A scan of the cover of the
Sonic Kids super special (SSS #9).
Sailor Sally ?!?: From SSS #8.
Sonic's Folks: The first appearance of
Sonic's (roboticized) parents, from SSS#2: Brave New World.
Discussion: Uncle Chuck suggests that it's time
to come out of hiding.. (SSS#2, page 19)
Reunited: ...and it feels so bad! Sonic
meets his parents & gets pretty mad at Chuck... (SSS#2, page 25)
Bunnie KISSED Antoine?!?: Yep, she sure did.
This is the panel that made me drop issue #46 of Sonic the Hedgehog (by
Archie Comics) in disbelief ;)
Antoine Vs. Geoffrey: Another scan from issue
#46. Ant does what I'd LOVE to do--namely nail Geoffrey on the chin!
Sonic #39--cover: The cover from the issue in
which the "Mecha Madness" story arc began.
Sonic--roboticized!: I think this scan speaks
for itself ;)
Intercepted: Bunnie intercepts Mecha Sonic.
Feel free to groan at the Superman parody ;P
Mecha Sonic-- shot 1, shot
2, shot 3, shot 4:
Various images of Mecha Sonic from StH #39.
Bring it on!: Knuckles joins the fight.
That's gotta hurt...: The fight continues, but
Mecha Sonic seems to be winning!
Impersonating a gargoyle: That's what Dulcy was doing while she was spying on Robotnik in issue #34.
Dulcy to the rescue! Have de-roboticizer, will travel ;D (from StH #29)
Cyborg Sonic: From StH#19. Cyborg Sonic appears
in the "Archie" universe.
Cyborg Sonic Explains: Cyborg Sonic explains
his predicament.
Sonic ConventionVarious Sonics from different
dimensions. From StH#19.
Something Wicked...Evil Sonic and Robo-Robotnik,
from issue #19.
Giant BorgRobo-Robotnik uses the Giant Borg to
attack Sonic and his other selves. From StH#19.
The Hedgehog Torch??: A close-up of an alternate
Sonic, who also happens to be a spoof of a Marvel Superhero :)
Knuckles Sandwich: Knux threatens to feed Sonic
his fist. From StH#13
Double Trouble: The cover from StH#9.
Pseudo-Sonic: The 1st appearance of Robotnik's
Sonic-like robot (NOT Mecha Sonic!!), from StH#9.
Hare Salon?!?: The ol' hare--er, um hair salon
running gag that got started in StH and was later dropped. (Thank goodness!
Antoine Fishes for Excuses: Antoine tries to
explain why he let Pseudo-Sonic into Knothole ;)
Tails Takes out Pseudo-Sonic: Self-explanitory.
Need a Lift?: Bunnie shows off her super-strength
Bounce Him!: Bunnie shows us her 'finishing move'
Punny Bit: StH#9 probably holds the world record
for the number of puns in one panel ;)
StH #3 Cover: The cover of Sonic the Hedgehog
#3 (regular series).
Robotnik's Rules: Pin-up page from StH
#3 (regular series).
2-page 'preview' pin-up: From StH#2 (limited
Beta Version??: A closer look at the odd-looking
incarnation of Bunnie from that pin-up.
Who's Who?: The Rotor/Robotnik duel of masks
from "The Bomb Bugs Me".
StH #0 Cover: The cover of Sonic the Hedgehog
Chuck & Muttski: From StH #0.
When Sonic Met Sally: From StH #0.
Badnik Rollcall:Uh, I don't recall which issue
this badniks pin-up was in.
Scans from Knuckles the Echidna:
Sonic the Hedgehog, Dr. Robotnik, etc. and all
associated characters are the property of Sega and are used here without
permission. Julie-Su, Constable Remington, and Geoffrey St. John were created
by some nuts at Archie Comics (but Sega owns them, too).. No infringement
is intended and I am NOT making any money off of this usage. I'm doing
this just for fun & for the amusement of other fans of Sonic and the
Freedom Fighters. Please do not send lawyers and hoverunits after me! I'm
not worth it !! REALLY!!!
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