Posted by Ken Penders on April 14, 1999 :
I'm not one to normally do something like this, as I recognize immediately that some people will claim my motivation is strictly self-interest. To be honest, self-interest does play a part, but only to a certain extent. However, when the deck keeps geeting stacked against you, you tend to resort to everything and anything in the hope that something will work.
The problem is this...because various suits have affected the way KNUCKLES is distributed, KNUCKLES is now on the endangered list, with the very real possibility of being published only nine times a year, maybe six, or even being outright cancelled.
How can this be so? you ask. Let me explain.
Months ago, some woman complained to a manager at a WalMart that her child bought a comic book with offensive material at his store. Rather than simply not carry the offending title, WalMart made the corporate-wide decision to not carry ANY comics altogether. This resulted in 10,000 less copies of KNUCKLES alone being sold.
While some of those readers probably bought subscriptions, the majority went looking for other sources. Unfortunately, despite the overwhelming evidence that SONIC and KNUCKLES would only bring in more customers, many comics retailers still refused to increase their orders. As for other outlets, they've proven to be hit and miss due to various factors with newstand distribution.
Which brings us to the second shoe being dropped: how the current system of newstand distribution could spell disaster for KNUCKLES fans.
In case anyone hasn't noticed lately, there are more magazines being published than there is room in stores to display them for sale. That means if you wish to get your product to market, you have to jump through the hoops set up by newstand distributors. Recently, the distributors have decided to charge more money for less space. That means a publisher like Archie has to cough up more money to maintain every title on the newstand they currently publish, or...
...they could pay the same amount and get less shelf space, resulting in some books getting cancelled, and others scaled back in their frequency of publication.
While SONIC has been a solid performer with name-brand recognition, for some reason, both KNUCKLES and SONIC SUPER SPECIAL have a harder time getting through the food chain and into the readers hands.
Be that as it may, the fact is, the publishers don't care about the whys and wherefores. They're not looking for explanations. Either a book sells or it doesn't. While that may not be fair from a fan's point of view, this is how business is currently conducted in America today.
Now that we've defined the problem, that various factors are making it more difficult than ever for KNUCKLES' fans to follow their hero, we obviously need a solution, and in this case, there's only one. The only one the publishers will listen to.
If you really, truly think the book is worthy of your time and effort, I recommend that everyone who feels this way buy one extra copy for six months and pass 'em along to different friends, getting them hooked.
I say six months for two reasons. One: it's going to take that long for the initial sales figures to reach Archie, and Two: it's going to take several months of steady sales to encourage the publishers to maintain KNUCKLES on a monthly basis. As it stands now, after issue #35, there's a very real chance of a "skip" month between every 3-issue story, resulting in only nine issues a year of KNUCKLES. Once that happens, it'll be a long time, if ever, before KNUCKLES is fully restored to 12 issues a year.
If anyone has really looked at what's on the magazine racks these days, you know that both the retailer and the distributor make more money selling Time, Newsweek, Better Homes and Gardens, etc., than they do selling comic books. Therefore, if you wish to save that which you enjoy, you have to make the effort to show that support. The more fans that do come through, the louder the message will be.
So start by spreading the word, and if anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Posted by Dema :
In Reply to: ATTENTION, KNUCKLES FANS!! IMPORTANT!!! posted by Ken Penders
on April 14, 1999 at
I would buy THREE issues of every book if I could!
Posted by Ken Penders :
: I would buy THREE issues of every book if I could!
Nice sentiments, but I'm only asking those who can afford to do so, as I recognize not everyone can.
One of the factors I didn't carefully explain is why a book like KNUCKLES
can be on the endangered list, despite being
one of the better selling titles on the market. Because Sega owns KNUCKLES,
Archie has to pay them a fee each time
an issue is published, therefore when you factor this in and other
budget costs, it costs Archie more to produce
KNUCKLES than, say, your typical issue of BETTY & VERONICA. Because
of that, if Archie's share of the profit on
KNUCKLES doesn't exceed that of BETTY & VERONICA's, the company
doesn't consider publishing the book to be
worthwhile to them. After all, they don't own the character, so they
can't exploit it like they can their own.
Personally, I don't understand it, either, but the concept of not making
enough of a profit is just as bad as actually losing
money to a lot of companies these days. They expect to make a certain
amount, and if they don't make it, they look for
any excuse to cut costs, figuring the product wasn't good enough even
though other factors, such as distribution difficulties
and costs in this case, were the main reason the product wasn't exposed
to the widest possible audience looking for it.
Posted by Pepper-Jie on April 14, In Reply to: Additional Information posted by Ken Penders
WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?! If Archie cancels Knux, they're losing ALL my
business!!! Knuckles and Sonic are really
the only "American" comics I read! How can they do this to the fans?
Is there any way to start some sort of petition to
save the comic?? I mean, I think we can get more fans if we really
try, but what about US?! *sniffle* ....I want my
Knuckles comic to stay in publication! More importantly, Mr. P...what's
gonna happen if this worst-case scenario plays
out? I mean..Sonic will be around... but... will we ever see Julie-Su,
Kragok, Remington, etc...ever again?? Oh, how
Posted by Ken Penders on April 14, 1999
In Reply to: HEY!! 0~0 posted by Pepper-Jie on April 14, 1999 at 13:47:11:
: WHAT THE HECK?!?!?!?! If Archie cancels Knux, they're losing ALL my
business!!! Knuckles and Sonic are really
the only "American" comics I read! How can they do this to the fans?
Is there any way to start some sort of petition to
save the comic?? I mean, I think we can get more fans if we really
try, but what about US?! *sniffle* ....I want my
Knuckles comic to stay in publication! More importantly, Mr. P...what's
gonna happen if this worst-case scenario plays
out? I mean..Sonic will be around... but... will we ever see Julie-Su,
Kragok, Remington, etc...ever again?? Oh, how
Pepper, this is why it's hard for me to discuss this, because I'm basically
asking people to show their support in the only
way that matters to the publisher. Some people will take this as a
bit of self-interests on my part. Do I get paid for my
work? Yes. Will I continue to be paid as long as the book is published,
yes. However, even if Knuckles were to sell all
those additional copies, I would NOT receive any more than I do now.
Only the PUBLISHERS and SEGA would
benefit from the extra sales. Justin wouldn't, Spaz wouldn't, I wouldn't,
nor anyone else who works on the books. That's
just the way it is.
Would you rather I said nothing, didn't do anything to allow people
a choice on whether or not they wish to do what they
can to support the book, and simply let the book die a slow death?
Or would you rather I sound the call the action and
give people that choice, possibly saving the book for the long run?
Posted by The Man on April 14, 1999 at
In Reply to: Petitions are Nice, But... posted by Ken Penders
: Would you rather I said nothing, didn't do anything to allow people
a choice on whether or not they wish to do what they
can to support the book, and simply let the book die a slow death?
No one's ever won by sitting around and doing nothing.
: Or would you rather I sound the call the action and give people that choice, possibly saving the book for the long run?
We've got to save the Knux book. Anything it takes to keep it is necessary.
Right now, the Knux book might be the only
reason I read the Sonic comics.
What is SEGA charging people to officially use those characters anyway?
Why doesn't SEGA seem to listen?
Money saving ideas: Get rid of "OffPanel". I haven't found a single
one of those to be clever, I assume at least a few
people agree with me. Get rid of the pro art at the end. There is plenty
of pro art in the book. One Writer/one artist: The
fewer people that have to be paid could save cash. Butler can draw
people okay, but he can't draw animals at all.
"We aren't giving any raises this year. However we believe work is
it's own reward. Expect to be rewarded about twice
as much next year."
Posted by Ken Penders on April 14, 1999
In Reply to: KNUX!!!! posted by The Man
: Money saving ideas: Get rid of "OffPanel". I haven't found a single
one of those to be clever, I assume at least a few
people agree with me. Get rid of the pro art at the end. There is plenty
of pro art in the book. One Writer/one artist: The
fewer people that have to be paid could save cash. Butler can draw
people okay, but he can't draw animals at all.
Just for your information, it costs less to produce an issue of Knuckles,
even with off-panel and the pro-art page, than it
does to produce your average Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse book.
The major costs are the printing and
distribution, both of which the book can't do without (obviously).
Posted by Ken Penders on April 14, 1999
In Reply to: NO WAYYYYYY!! =o (adverstse more!!!) posted by Cassie
: I'm buying five.
: ~Cassie Chamelelon (O^o)
I buy 50 copies of every issue every month just to have copies with
me when I go to conventions or to have available here
through the website simply because of the lack of dealers who have
the books available.
At most shows I go to, more often than not I'm the ONLY one who has
any of the issues I worked on. I can't begin to tell
you how many people would have gone home disappointed if I didn't have
the books available for them.
Posted by WB on April 15, 1999
After hearing all this stuff about Knuckles and a possible production
delay/cancellation, I got to thinking. While working
working on the comics page revamp for Sonic HQ, I was talking with
a friend at HQ tonight who suggested a net
"procott" for Knuckles.
It actually sounded like a good idea and one I'd like to present by
you guys and Mr. Penders to see his thoughts. The
thing was this: What if I could get Sonic HQ to start a "procott" of
sort? Anyone familiar with Sailor Moon will know what
I'm talking about.
Last year Sailor Moon - a Japanese Anime - was brought to the states
where it met a warm reception and made
animation history. For anyone that doesn't know - Cartoon Syndication
usually has a 65 episode limit and if the show is
popular enough it gets renewed for a "second season". This is harder
to do unless you have a huge company backing you
up like say, Pokemon - another POPULAR anime does with Nintendo and
Warner Brothers. Anyway Sailor Moon has
several "seasons" in Japan but none of them were total to 65 episodes
per se. The seasons included:
- The Queen Beryl and The Negaforce storyline that took the majority
of the episodes
- The Doom Tree series which lasted around the range of 14 episodes,
and the final series released in America
- Crystal Tokyo and The Dark Moon Family which lasted about 38 episodes.
Sailor Moon had become HUGELY POPULAR by the time the Crystal Tokyo
saga started and JUST AS IT
STARTED TO CLIMAX, Sailor moon reached its 65 episode syndication limit
and stopped. No more episodes were to
be shown. Needless to say fans were BOMBED - no more episodes of Sailor
Moon. So these guys on the internet
S.O.S. (Save Our Sailors) started a campaign to bring the 17 remaining
episodes back to the states because they cared
so much for the character. To do this they began a "procott" and letter
writing campaign to DIC Animation and Irwin toys
- Sailor Moon's previous sponsor.
Needless to say - it took them almost 1 and a half years. But the 17
episodes were brought BACK to the states and
because the campaign generated SO MUCH POPULARITY for Sailor Moon and
realising JUST HOW MUCH of a
cash cow it was, S.O.S. is trying to convince D.I.C. to bring back
Sailormoon S - The next generation of Sailormoon
cartoons that showed in Japan. And it may be working as well.
So what does this have to do with Sonic and Knuckles?
Everything. Sonic is already set with SA coming along and everything
else unless SEGA makes a monumental screw up -
but lets not start that discussion now. Sonic Adventure is already
coming out so that will push sales up more. BUT - What
if Sonic HQ started a page encouraging people to "Save Knuckles". In
other words encouraging a "procott" and letter
writing campaign. Procott meaning like what Mr. Penders suggested -
encouraging people to buy MORE Knuckles and
Sonic comics and encouraging thier friends to do the same. And at the
same time - generating a MASS LATTER
WRITING campaign to Wal Mart to put comic books back on the shelf -
particularly Archie Comics because of their
"wwholesomeness and family comics" - and not punish everyone thanks
to the mindlessness of one whiny woman.
I think its a good idea that could work if done properly. Sonic fans
couldn't save the SatAM Sonic cartoon unfortunately -
but an organized campaign by one of the larger websites and maybe any
others if they were willing to help - to make
SURE Sonic and Knuckles stay on the shelf - might help. Get MORE PEOPLE
to learn about Sonic and Knuckles
comics and at the same time - keep the rest of the comics from going
extinct. It would also generate more popularity for
the "funny animal" comic, if we could do this right. Sonic has a lot
of respect in that area anyway among comic books.
Cause if Knuckles goes, how long before Sonic falls also?
Also - we could get other guys to back us - like writing to the Comic
Book Defense Fund, and (a
KNOWN Free Speech candidate - Free Speech being the right for Wal mart
to not ban EVERYTHING thanks to one
person). If we hold MASS letter writing campaigns to guys like that
AND Wal mart and at the same time hold a large
"procott" to buy more books for those that can afford it, we think
we could rectify the situation of having Knuckles drop
on the cancellation bucket.
So what do you guys think? You too Mr. Penders. A lot of guys at HQ
are willing to do it with some advice and asked
me to type this letter out to pass it by you all - Mr. P. in particular.
>:P It'd take a while to get set up, but we have a few
plans. And BTW, all rabid Archie haters can stay out of this. We're
trying to do this _as a SONIC FANDOM_ - not a
separate entity. Thats where we failed in SatAM Sonic. Either youre
for it, or not.
What do you think Mr. Penders?
Jon Gray
The Dubba Dubba WB
HQ - Comics Info
Posted by Ken Penders on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: Sonic HQ wants to Save Knuckles...possibly.... posted
by WB
Jon -
Without going into a lot of details, within the past 24 hours, any effort
on behalf of saving KNUCKLES the comic could
also have a profound effect as well on the possibility of other outlets
for the characters in video games, toys, film, TV, etc.
I'm not allowed to say more at this time, but I ask people to trust
me on this one, as I've been approached by other
Powers That Be expressing interest in everyone's favorite echidna.
Talk about timing> I couldn't believe it myself.
In regards to doing whatever you can, if anyone can afford to buy an
extra copy, please don't just stash it away. Give it to
a friend or relative who doesn't read the book. Share the fun with
kids on your street. For those who can't afford an extra
copy, but do buy KNUCKLES on a regular basis, let the retailer know
you're interested in buying the book if you don't
see it on their shelves. If they need more than just your order, round
up a couple of friends. Whatever you do, be positive,
and more importantly, be polite. If anyone has other suggestions, share
them with your friends.
All of you can make a difference, even if you're not doing something
on a daily basis, or think anything you do won't
achieve the desired results. I won't be posting on a daily or even
weekly basis regarding this as even I don't get the
information except on a sporadic basis. However, I do know that if
I just sit around and do nothing, or worse yet -- think
negative, then it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and the books
will indeed go by the way of the dinosaur.
The Suits will pay attention if you give them a reason to. This is Sonic
fandom's chance to show everyone that they really
do matter.
Posted by Blastback on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: Re: Sonic HQ wants to Save Knuckles...possibly.... posted
by Ken Penders
: Jon -
: Without going into a lot of details, within the past 24 hours, any
effort on behalf of saving KNUCKLES the comic could
also have a profound effect as well on the possibility of other outlets
for the characters in video games, toys, film, TV, etc.
I'm not allowed to say more at this time, but I ask people to trust
me on this one, as I've been approached by other
Powers That Be expressing interest in everyone's favorite echidna.
Talk about timing> I couldn't believe it myself.
Waiiiiiiit! Are you meening if us Sonic & Knux Fans show our fandom
off, that there is a chance that we will help the
comic, but also help it be adapted into toys, video games, and... *gasp*
SATAM : Archie addition?
Posted by Ken Penders on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: Waaaaiiit! posted by Blastback
: Waiiiiiiit! Are you meening if us Sonic & Knux Fans show our fandom
off, that there is a chance that we will help the
comic, but also help it be adapted into toys, video games, and... *gasp*
SATAM : Archie addition?
If the Suits at certain companies get a whiff that there are indeed
a LARGE number of you guys out there, the
ramifications could be incredible.
Posted by Ken Penders on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: You got it Lien think about it guys we demanded Knux and
now it's our job to save the crew!!!! posted by
: BTW Mr. Penders I posted this earlier but I guess you didn't see it.
I'm the artists have any say at all in
how this goes? Or is it purely upper level management?
None of the people who work directly on the books has any say. Justin
can plead our case, but that's about it. Any
decision is out of his hands. Let's put it this way...the guys and
gals who work in the Sonic office have dedicated
themselves to doing the best job they can to do right by the characters.
What will save KNUCKLES more than anything
is convincing the publishers that it is more than worth their while
to publish the book. If they feel they can make MORE
money publishing something else, something they don't have to pay someone
else a fee (in this case, Sega), then that is
what will drive their decision. You guys have to show they couldn't
make more publishing something else simply be
keeping Knuckles one of the better selling titles on the market.
Posted by Blastback on April 14, 1999 at 23:25:02:
Earlier today we all learned of the dissipointing news of the fact that
Knuckles, one of the best comics on the shelf, is not
getting on the shelf. I have noticed laitly that my local store (IGA)
has stopped getting these books and also the SSS. I
think that somehow we need to find a way to get Knuckles to be reconized
as an actual comic! I think that we all need to
write e-mails to Wizard magazine telling them of the horible situation
of our favorite comic and have all of our knux loving
friends to also. Mabby if Wizard gets enough mail in a short period
of time we will be able to get an artical posted in the
magazine and let the comic be advertised! This might cause new readers.
Please, tell me if this is a good idea, or if I am just a uncontrolable
nutcase on a stick.
Posted by Ken Penders on April 14, 1999
In Reply to: Save our Knux! posted by Blastback
: Earlier today we all learned of the dissipointing news of the fact
that Knuckles, one of the best comics on the shelf, is not
getting on the shelf. I have noticed laitly that my local store (IGA)
has stopped getting these books and also the SSS. I
think that somehow we need to find a way to get Knuckles to be reconized
as an actual comic! I think that we all need to
write e-mails to Wizard magazine telling them of the horible situation
of our favorite comic and have all of our knux loving
friends to also. Mabby if Wizard gets enough mail in a short period
of time we will be able to get an artical posted in the
magazine and let the comic be advertised! This might cause new readers.
: Please, tell me if this is a good idea, or if I am just a uncontrolable nutcase on a stick.
Anything that gets more people reading KNUCKLES is a good thing, for
more reasons than just the comic book (as
certain developments made clear later in the day. I'll say more when
I have more details.)
Posted by Rick 2Tails on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: Anything CONSTRUCTIVE Is Positive posted by Ken Penders
The problem with Wizard is it desperately chases the teen & superhero
comic reader for it`s success (which
has obviously worked) Their interest in Knuckles isn`t there because
funny animals/furries, Archie,or all
ages books aren`t "cool". They have put Sonic in the price guides but
not any signifigant coverage which
shows one of their faults..trying to convince kids that they can make
money of recent comics.
Posted by Conekiller on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: Re: Anything CONSTRUCTIVE Is Positive posted by Rick 2Tails
I have found on many occassions that it is difficult to find KNUCKLES
comics (I'm still looking like mad to find Knux#
25, out of SHEER LUCK I found Knux#24 this Sunday, if push comes to
shove, at least I'd be able to purchase it from
Mr. P)Most places purchase only Sonic, since it comes when all of the
other comics come, sice KNUCKLES comes out
in the middle of the month (as fewer comics do,and usually spinoffs)Stores
that don't get comics on a regular basis tend to
miss out on the good stuff, but they still get Sonic (if anyone is
wondering I'm referring directly to Eckerd or Walgreens)
This is also part of the problem, I guess I could ask my local Eckerd
if they could possibly make the acception to
purchase the comics so that I could buy it, but I doubt they would
get a whole new shipment just for one fan in Miami,
HEY maybe I could get a job there or something! ( and I think the offensive
comic that got ALL comics takken off
Walmarts shelves was a particular Issue of Gen13 bootleg, Namely Issue#2
of The Grunge Movie)
Posted by Asudem Hedgehog on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: ATTENTION AT WAL*MART HATERS!!!!! posted by Espiogirl
: That thing about the Knuckles being on the endangered list, and it's
all WAL*MARTS' fault, well... it's not ALL
WAL*MARTS' fault. I blame that kid's mommy!! I felt like kicking her
a** right now! I'm like so very steamed!! If the
Knuckles comix is going to be cancelled, I'll probably won't see Espio
all that often and he's my all time favorite character
(you probably noticed by my name)!!! So I say 19% of the blame gos
to WAL*MART and 81% of the blame gos to that
kid's mom!!!
Actually, it's Wal-Mart's fault for being too lazy to nail down as to
WHICH book had the offensive material. I mean, I
don't think it was in mother's intentions to get rid of the Knux comic
books. So 81% goes to WalMart while 19% goes to
Posted by Ian J. Flicky on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: You can't really blame the mom... well, sorta. posted
by Asudem Hedgehog
I agree. Cancelling all the titles was an innapropriate thing for wal*mart
to do.. and I *would* be really angry if MY child
read offensive material, but wal*mart REALLY should've weeded out the
bad title. I'd guess that wal*mart's thinking is
that if ONE comic is offensive, they all are. And knowing the dumb
decisions that corporate people make, I'm REALLY
not surprised.
J. Flicky Studios- art since 1999!
Posted by Nikki on April 15, 1999
In Reply to: You can't really blame the mom... well, sorta. posted
by Asudem Hedgehog
Serioiusly guys, put yourselves in her shoes. As a parent you have a
duty to protect your child be that physically or
mentally. Because I spend so much time with my cousins that I pretty
much take the temp place as a parent I think I
would react almost the same way she did. I mean, I wouldn't want my
Lauren, my Kristen, my Corey, my Jenny looking
at anything bad and I would go out of my way to ensure that it never
happens. Although the mother's actions were a little
extreme I see where she's coming from.
Using Walmart`s reasoning ,they won`t sell movie videos cause some have
things children shouldn`t see, Cd`s or tapes cuz some have artists have
potty mouths,no books cuz some "spicy",no magazines cuz some have nakkid
peoples innem ! Horrors! , why the more you think about it Satan has his
hands in everything! We should sell only food & clothing (modest only!)
I understand where the parent is coming from .I admire Mr.Rodgers (yes
from PBS) & agree with him that society doesn`t allow children a childhood
,that they are pushed to be small adults BUT.... I refuse to allow lazy
parents, prude busybodies & politians looking for easy votes to demand
all entertainment be "safe for our children" & lower everything to
grade school level ! (Though with the neglegence many parents raise their
kids, grade schools can sometimes sound like
South Park or worse )
Posted by Ken Penders on April 28, 1999:
In Reply to: I have to it true? posted by Turbo Tails on April 27, 1999 :
: Um...Mr. Penders...i won't believe this unless I hear it from you...I
heard a rumour that the
knuckles comic is on shaky ground and could be going out of buisness?
Is this true??? MAN, I
hope not. after all the wonderful issues that have come from your good
offices, I couldn't live
without me buddy Knux.
: Please...I need to know....the world needs to know...
: Many thanks,
: *A very worried* TT prower
We did get some good news just before I left for the Pittsburgh Comic
Convention this past
weekend. Initially, it looked like we were going to have to cram the
storyline (KNUCKLES #30 through 32) into two issues and delay the Espio
back-up until five
issues later, but management decided for now to leave everything as
is until after the SONIC
ADVENTURE crossover.
Basically, they're giving the readers a chance to show their support
in order to figure out what to
do. If they see positive signs from the marketplace (that's you guys),
both KNUCKLES and
SONIC SUPER SPECIAL will continue as they currently are.
Posted by DJ Mike on May 02, 1999 :
I just wondered if there have been any further developments on the fatal
news of Knuckles' and
the Specials' possible suffering. I sure as hell hope Knuckles isn't
That's why I started a subscription - hard as it is since I'm in the UK - but I still managed it.
Posted by Ken Penders on May 02, 1999 :
In Reply to: Any improvement Ken Penders? posted by DJ Mike on May 02, 1999
It's going to take at least six months before everyone's efforts show
up in the sales report.
Basically, it a matter of everyone doing their part over the next six
months, spreading the word to
fellow KNUCKLES fans, and waiting for the reports to reach Archie.
If the reports show an
upswing, you've definitely saved KNUCKLES.
This is not something that's going to be resolved in a week or two,
which is also why I'm not
beating the tom-toms. Too much doom and gloom and everyone might really
get depressed or
worn out or both.
Posted by Rick 2Tails on May 02, 1999
In Reply to: Hard Work and Patience posted by Ken Penders :
Starting with July`s issue #29 It`s too late for 26-28.
I will buy 10 copies of the chosen one story as long as it
sees print! O_O' (worry,worry,sweat...)
Posted by Ken Penders from on June 25,
1999 at
After KNUCKLES #34, Knuckles will become a bi-monthly series (more than
likely) as
opposed to even 9 times a year (still under consideration). What would
have been
KNUCKLES #35 will now be SONIC #82, just so readers won't have to wait
an extra
month for the conclusion to the SONIC ADVENTURE game adaptation.
Before anyone makes a claim if we had done this or that, things would
be different, let
me relate some FACTS, as these are indesputable:
FACT ONE: SONIC continues to outsell KNUCKLES, by a more than comfortable
margin. KNUCKLES is clearly on the bubbble. However, the latest sales
results are
from issue #22, so any efforts fandom is doing to save this book as
far as sales go
won't be know for at least another four or five months at least.
FACT TWO: Changing artists had no effect whatsoever in either the decision
process or on sales. KNUCKLES sales begin declining during a popular
while Manny was still regular artist. (The reasons for declining sales
can probably --
and more like are -- due to poor distribution, but a poor name recognition
in the
marketplace is also being attributed. Sonic fandom very well knows
who Knuckles is,
but the general audience does not.)
FACT THREE: Despite all the complaints over how lousy things supposedly
are with
the SONIC series and all the accolades over how well-done (for the
most part)
KNUCKLES is, sales do not support the contention that fans are unahppy
with SONIC
and happy with KNUCKLES. Again, one can argue quality until one is
blue in the face,
but the fact is a book sells for reasons beyond whether it's good or
not. For example,
there are several years worth of various Marvel and DC titles of some
of the most
popular characters -- Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four,
X-Men to name
but a few - where the content has been totally substandard, especially
in comparison
to the good stuff, yet people still kept buying them. Why? Brand name
has something
to do with it. Sonic is a recognizable brand name. Knuckles, in all
honesty, is not.
So what does this mean?
It means that unless more people support this book, it's gonna go bye-bye.
What can you do?
What I've recommended before, tell friends, and even write the publisher
Silberkleit and tell him how much you enjoy reading the series.
It's now or never, and only you guys can do it. Please spread the word.
Here's a silly little song I wrote. I hope it helps a little with saving
Knuckles. And
Robie, if you want you may put it on your site.
Spent 48 dollers last night at the comic store,
I bought all the comics and I want to go get more.
Please help me save Knuckles or get out of here,
I don't want to see him disappear.
Someone's getting fired if Knux is put to sleep,
We all want to see him 'cause he's sowo neat.
And we like him,
We love him,
We want some more of him.
We'er trying so hard to see more of him,
We all know what we want and that's Knuckles monthy,
'Cause we like him,
We love him,
We want some more of him.
Sonic's here to stay and that's where Knuckles should be,
But unless we do something that's something we'll never see.
Give a copy to a friend,
send a one to your pen-pal,
write it in stone and shout it out loud.
Every copy counts so keep doing this,
If we lose Knuckles that's something we'er all gonna miss.
Ad we like him,
We love him,
We want some more of him,
We'er trying so hard to see more of him.
We all know what we want and that's Knuckles monthy,
'Cause we like him,
We love him we want some more of him.
Gonna get my truck, and buckle up,
to go to town and get the new book.
Then we'll sit down on a sofa,
And pull the issue closer,
We can't get enough of him!
And we like him,
We love him,
We want some more of him,
We'er trying so hard to see more of him.
We all know what we want and that's Knuckles monthy,
'Cause we like him,
We love him,
We want some more of him.
Ok, I know that was a little corny, but I'm getting my point across
I will send a letter to that publisher guy Ken talked about including
the petition I
POSSIBLE! I know there are more than 6 of you who want Knuckles to
stay monthly!
Please do not respond to this message, just E-mail me, because I have
a seperate
folder for all the signatures so that I can keep track of them. Jen,
T2, Kixxy, Crazy,
Cassie, SonIXcool, Ultra Sonic 74, Brat Butterfly, Flygirl, Wordlord,
Ian the Potto, Ian J.
Flicky, Nicole Silverwolf, Rick2Tails, Silent One, if you all sign
then that's 15
signatures right there. And, like Ken said, SPREAD THE WORD!!!
please only mail me at for this
ROBOJIF's Cavern--
In your post about the tragic situation with the comics, you mentioned
that the
reason for the decrease to a six-month publication each year was based
on the
ratings from issue #22. Since people will only have been increasing
support since around issue #25, is there a chance that the sudden increase
support for the series may persuade Archie to move up to 9-months a
year, or
even return the series to 12?
The bottom line is that companies exist to make money, and if a book
make money for the publisher, then it tends to get cancelled. In the
case of
SONIC and KNUCKLES, they have to perform better than any of Archie's
books simply because Archie pays Sega a fee to publish those books.
literally has no other incentive to publish those books if it's not
in their financial
If the readers show their support in the only way that truly matters,
and the
sales figures reflect that support, then that would give the publishers
to increase frequency in order to make more money.
In this case, talk is literally cheap. Just talking won't accomplish
Either action must be taken now or else within six months it'll all
be too late.
Is this a good cash strategy?
Put out alternating books; One month a Knuckles comic comes out, the
month, a Sonic comic comes out.
I like the 9 a year plan, personally.
Posted by Ken Penders on June 25, 1999
In Reply to: What's this I'm hearing about a Star Wars crossover in
the Knux comics?
(N/M) posted by DJ Mike on June 25, 1999 at 08:41:11:
Manny must have spilled the beans to someone about a 2-part Knuckles
story he
wrote featuring a Star Wars like setting with characters. He has yet
to set pencil to
paper in regards to drawing it, and at this point, it's uncertain when,
or if , it'll see the
light of day.
In Reply to: See! This is the exact type of attitude that I am S-I-C-K
off! posted by
SonIXcool on July 06, 1999 at 11:38:13:
I'd like to set the record straight for people who are of the opinion
I'm pro-Knuckles
and anti-Sonic, as it bewilders me when I hear that charge.
My efforts to save the KNUCKLES series are part self-interest and part
love of the
character, but my efforts would not be any less if I were working on
SONIC. I could've
been the regular writer on SONIC had I so desired way back when, but
I was more
intrigued with the challenge of building a title from the ground level
up with
KNUCKLES, so that was what factored into my decision-making process.
If I had stayed with SONIC, the series would more than likely be completely
from what you saw during the past 25 issues. This is not meant to be
taken as a knock
towards Karl, as he would've been the regular writer on KNUCKLES, and
chances are
people would be singing his praises and throwing me brickbats.
I have more than a few SONIC stories still left in me, but whether or
not they get told
in the pages of SONIC SUPER SPECIAL remain to be seen, as that book
is also
suffering from distribution problems.
For people to assume we're prioritizing KNUCKLES at the expense of SONIC
is far
from the truth, as a lot is riding on the health of all of the books.
How come the series got cancelled? I know that it's going to be in a
different format, but Knux is my
all-time favorite character and I like reading about him more than
Sonic in the Sonic issues. Why can't
you keep making the two serparate series? I really enjoy the Knuckles
comic. And I don't want to
have to buy the whole Sonic series to read about him! No stores sell
Sonic comics around here that I
know of and I really don't want to have to order 12 issues from Archie
so that I can search through
them and see if Knuckles made an appearence. Can you please consider
making the comic again?
I'd really appreciate it and I know a lot of other fans would to! If
you can't do that, can you let me
know what stores sell Sonic comics so I can get some with Knuckles
in it? Thank you!
: There's no Waldenbooks in my town (or any of the other towns around),
and the two comic book
shops here don't carry any of the Sonic comics! Argh! *cry*
Did you ever ask the owners of the comics shops why they don't carry
Sonic comics? If they tell you
"no one would buy it", you can say "well, if you ordered it, I would
buy it." Where do you live and
what is the name of these two stores? This is one of the reasons Knuckles
is having problems,
becuase of retailers like this who only think they can sell certain
types of comics. If it isn't
superheroes, they don't like to bother with it.
The final caption in the story reads: The adventure continues in the
pages of SONIC #86, as we and
So those of you who think Knuckles is only going to make token appearances
in the SONIC series
are mistaken. The stories will feature the same continuity and style
of stories you've been following
all this time. Sure, it's only eight pages a month, but it's better
that than nothing at all, wouldn't you
As for KNUCKLES: TWENTY YEARS LATER, now that I've wrapped production
#1, I'm spending the next couple of weeks concentrating exclusively
on that one, and it is scheduled
to see print in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #16. (If we can move it up, we
will, but for now, this is the best
we can do.) Again, this one has some major surprises and revelations.
More info will be forthcoming as further developments unfold.
If they cancel.....
They just lost therself a customer!!!!!!!!!!
I'm very P.O.ed at this predicament! Hence, my message!
I'm a frequent comic collecter who only collects Knuckles comics in
the Archie Company!
So, I'll still collect Marvel & Viz Comics, but not Archie again
if Knuckles Gets cancelled!!!
Thank you, Ken Penders, and God Bless Ya!!!
P.S. My screen name is CaptainKnux316
...but we're trying to get the Knuckles series back with letters, emails,
petitions and anything else that
anyone can think of (that's legal). I have a petition at my site, Save
Our Knuckles. The link is below.
There's also info there about the Knuckles situation. Email me or visit
my sight if you have questions.
Save Our Knuckles, the mission: Our Knuckles Comics NOW!!
But hey, I'm still collecting cuz of that. But OL, if you don't want
to collect Sonic comics cuz of
Knuckles, that's fine, I'm not forcing you.