Summary: Borf's direct attack on the Moon Colony masks his true plan, which involves using the Infanto Ray on his Groots and getting Trader Ed to sell them to the unsuspecting colonists.
This one has that "first episode feel" to it.
The opening shots establish the setting
(namely Space Command on Earth), the first 2 people we see are
Ace and Kimberly, and there's quite a bit of exposition scattered around.
Heh, this episode even cribbed a few lines from the game (albeit in very
different context). Compare this exchange to my
transcript of the Motorcycles Scene
ACE: Sounds like the old man's got his jets in an uproar again.
KIMBERLY: Get serious! He wouldn't call us if it weren't important,
ACE: Hey, call me "Ace"!
While the Space Marshall (Vaughn)
gives them the latest dirt
, Ace transforms into Dexter behind his
. Kim covers for him ("Ace? Er, he left to warm up
the Star Pac") and drags Dexter away
. Dexter messes around with his pistol ("...we'll get those
rotten buzzers, sir.") and accidentally hits a flower pot, which
falls on Vaughn's head
(this part usually makes me chuckle a bit--maybe because I don't
like Vaughn very much).
After she and Dexter flee
a safe distance away from Vaughn's office,
Kimberly lectures him
and we get the first bits of exposition...
KIMBERLY: You better watch those changes, Dexter. If -anyone- finds out
Borf hit you with the Infanto Ray, they'll ground you until they find
a cure.
DEXTER: Golly! That could take forever--and I can't control the
changes they...
[*Dexter changes into Ace
ACE:...kind of happen.
Scene shifts to an area near the Moon Colony,
where Ace, in the Star Pac, drives off a squad
of Borf's buzzers
, while borrowing another line from the game ("See ya later,
Space Invader!" *). Camera cuts to Borf's
base, where Borf reveals his true plan to La
[and the viewers ;)]. He tells his robotic orange lackey to
ready the Infanto Ray. La Grin drops some more exposition ("...but the
Infanto Ray hasn't been perfected to use on humans yet.") and Borf
reveals that he has a created a special version
of it that works only on Groots. La Grin
uses the ray on some Groots
and Borf summons his spy
, Trader Ed (while La Grin rounds up the
and puts them in a basket).
Scene shifts back to the Star
and, just as Kimberly is about to kick back
and relax
, a distress call comes in. Ace adjusts the
on the comm and reponds. Trader Ed
feeds them a line about being attacked by buzzers en route to the
Moon Colony and claims his ship has lost power. Ace buys the line and
offers to give Ed a tow.
Cut to the Moon Colony... Trader Ed lays
it on thick
and goes into a sales pitch ("If it wasn't for these two -valiant-
officers, I wouldn't be here to offer you this fantastic bargain."),
holds up a Grootling
, and calls it a "Cosmic Kitling". Kim thinks it's cute--Ace gets
licked by it. :D Ace decides to test its intelligence with a game of
fetch (??) and wonders why the little critters
seem familiar
Scene shifts to Borf
, who just happened to be spying on them. ;) He points his special Infanto
Ray toward the Moon Colony and fires it
. The ray was apparently set in "reverse" mode, 'cause the blast
makes all the Grootlings transform back into Groots
. Trader Ed runs off with his pockets stuffed with money (and shouting
"No refunds! No refunds!!" Hee, hee, hee...) thus leaving Ace and Kimberly
to deal with the chaos going on around them. Ace now knows why the critters
seemed familiar and states the obvious, "They're Borf's Groots!" They
get surrounded by Groots, but manage to fight their way out and run to the
Star Pac. Ace figures that the best way to deal with the Groot invasion
is to slip into Borf's space station and use the Infanto Ray on 'em, Soon
after they blast off, Kimberly notes that they have company and Ace gets
the feeling his not-so-little "friend" doesn't want to play fetch any more--so
they wrestle instead, while Kim takes control of the Star Pac ;D Her asteroid
evasion move allows Ace to get the upper hand and stuff his furry playmate
into a compartment under his seat. Unfortunately for Ace, the Infanto
curse kicks in and he changes into Dexter. The groot takes full advantage
of the situation and Dexter ends up in the compartment. Kimberly comes
to his rescue and stuns the Groot with a shot from a blaster. Dexter gets, um...Dexter notes an incoming message and activates the comm
screen. Borf gives them an ultimatum. Naturally they decline, so Borf sends
out a welcoming party--in the form of space mines ( -lots- of space mines).
Dexter has trouble remembering where the "fire" button is...
Er, pardon me while I put this review on "pause" and go into
rant mode:
Okay, that bit annoys me. Ace was hit by the -Infanto
- Ray, NOT the -Stupidity- Ray! How come the nuts at Ruby
Spears tended to make Dexter the comedy relief? That scene is the
first in a way uncool trend to write Dexter as a complete idiot.
Anyway, blind luck sees him through as he manages to blast their
way through some space mines and into Borf's HQ.
A funny thing happened on their way to the Control Room...well,
Dexter and Kimberly probably didn't think it was funny ;D La Grin
and a pair of Patrol Pups intercept them. Dexter pulls out his blaster,
but La Grin blasts it out of his hands and them lets slip his dogs of
war. Dexter reverts back to his normal form and easily sidesteps the
pups' attack. Ace and Kim make a run for it, only to run into Ace's little
playmate :) Ace yanks a pipe loose and decides that a game of fetch is
in order. Ace tosses the pipe at La Grin ("Here, think fast!") and the Groot
chases after it--and predictably knocks down the orange robot.