Knuckles is NOT a Superman... Posted by Ken Penders January 21, 2000 at 09:37:56 I've been reading a few posts recently about Knuckles, and I thought I'd take a moment to clear things up in regards to the character and his portrayal. When writing the series, every story has occured pretty much in a natural progression. If Knuckles has changed, it has been more in reaction to how his circumstances have changed. When we first meet him, he was alone and basically not very socialable. Now he has a family and friends, and he's come out of a shell. He also has abilities way beyond the game. That too was a result of the storylines and not something I originally planned to do when I started writing the character. However, I had a specific direction I was going with this when the series was interrupted. Because of the new format and the circumstances of the cancellation, I had to rethink a lot of things, including rearranging the timetable of events, including doing certain things much sooner than I originally planned. In the process, Justin and I did take a long, hard look at how the series has progressed, and we raised the very same criticisms some of you are already mumbling. We didn't see it before because we were on the rollercoaster and everything seemed natural. In fact, up until the last storyline, we rarely received any criticism on the book, so that reinforced a feeling we must be on the right track. (If I seen comments on Knuckles like the ones we were getting on Sonic, I would've addressed matters much sooner.) And up until we finally did get word there was a problem with sales figures, we were always being told Knuckles' sales were solid, including the back issues, so I had no reason whatsoever to deviate from my gameplan. However, with SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #14, I think the one criticism that will be laid to rest is that Knuckles can literally do anything, because this will show he can't, unfortunately. And what happens sets the stage for the back-up series. --- kunckles is not all powerful! Posted by sonicmike on January 22, 2000 at 10:24:59: From what ive read on the mesage board some of you seem to think knuckles is too strong for his own good! i feel that knux is powerful but unwise in the use of his powers which means he is beatable! And i dont think he will learn how to use said powers for a while anyhow. --- Nah... Posted by Pepper-Jie In Reply to: kunckles is not all powerful! The way he was portrayed made many of us think he was some all-powerful Superman-wannabe >:p According to what Mr. P said, he (thankfully) is not. It's cool he has powers, I just think there has to be a limit. Look at Gokou- very strong, very able, but he had his weaknesses like any other man. *worships Akira Toriyama* --- Something To Consider.... Posted by Ken Penders : The way he was portrayed made many of us think he was some all-powerful Superman-wannabe >:p According to what Mr. P said, he (thankfully) is not. It's cool he has powers, I just think there has to be a limit. Look at Gokou- very strong, very able, but he had his weaknesses like any other man. *worships Akira Toriyama* Even if Knuckles had all the power in the world and nobody could (apparently) beat him, who's to say he's capable of handling power of the magnitude, or what the consequences would be. --- Knuxie go boom o_O Posted by Pepper-Jie That would be odd... o.O.....and that would be good...cuz that's a considerable weakness ^.^.....hmm.....or what if he lost control of the power and it hurt/killed someone he loved o.O Wow...that's deep ^_^ *grooves* --- Re: Something To Consider.... Posted by Rick 2Tails That`s a good point Ken.I wonder how Tails will handle being the most powerful being in the cosmos? ;) just kidding people ! (or am I ? ;)